Sunday 26 February 2017

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Brothers Capital, LLC (membre CBOE et SIPC) est à la recherche d'equity traders à se joindre à l'organisation et les instruments de capitaux propres commerciaux. Les commerçants peuvent opérer à partir de l'un de nos étages commerciaux ou à distance de leur homeoffice. Une des sociétés les plus importantes dans l'industrie du day trading pour les 20 dernières années. Des taux de commissions hautement compétitifs et agressifs FREE plate-forme de trading hautement personnalisable Graybox qui comprend des analyses, des graphiques et des données de marché de haute qualité. Connectivité faible latence aux échanges, ECN39s, ATS39 et dark pools Tarifs personnalisés pour les commerçants individuels, les groupes et les taux de black box Offrir des opportunités de trading à distance et sur place Sponsoring pour les licences de valeurs mobilières Analyser les conditions du marché, les données socio-économiques et financières Évaluer les risques financiers, prendre des décisions et préparer des rapports Identifier les stratégies de négociation potentielles et offrir des idées pour améliorer les nouvelles Utiliser les ordinateurs pour saisir, accéder ou récupérer des données , Utiliser un logiciel de tableur Aider à l'élaboration de programmes de formation et d'initiation à la formation des nouveaux et des anciens opérateurs Examiner les transactions pour assurer l'exactitude des informations et s'assurer que les métiers sont conformes aux règlements des agences gouvernementales EXIGENCE D'EXPERIENCE QUALIFICATIONS Forte capacité analytique ou concentration technique, Modèles Capacité de travailler en équipe. Pensée créative et capacité à appliquer à nos opérations Éthique de travail professionnelle et attitude positive Hold Brothers Capital, LLC 1177 Avenue des Amériques, 2e étage New York, NY 10036 Conseiller financierStockbroker Forefront Capital Markets, LLC New York, NY La firme de courtage en gestion de patrimoine recherche des courtiers agréés (série 763) et des courtiers expérimentésFAsRIA. Les courtiers doivent avoir un livre d'affaires existant et un dossier qui démontre une capacité exceptionnelle à accroître les revenus, les actifs et la clientèle. C'est une occasion de se joindre à une entreprise où les candidats retenus sont récompensés par une structure de rémunération très lucrative. Forefront s'engage à attirer, à développer et à conserver les talents de plus haut calibre et à tirer pleinement profit de ce talent pour obtenir constamment de solides résultats commerciaux. Qualifications: Licences série 7 et série 63. Base de clientèle fidèle Auto-démarreur avec de solides compétences interpersonnelles et analytiques. Démontre une excellente compréhension fondamentale des marchés et des produits d'investissement. Très énergique et motivé et a l'intérêt de travailler dans un environnement de partage d'idées. Résultats obtenus. Ce qui nous distingue: Services bancaires d'investissement Agressive Compensation Package Plate-forme consultative Communauté exceptionnelle de professionnels de la finance État de l'art Technologie Beau milieu de travail Forefront Capital Markets, LLC 590 Madison Ave. Quasar Trading, LLC Quasar Trading, LLC, un courtier inscrit et membre de la CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), est à la recherche d'un fonds d'actions junior Trader (Entry Level) pour rejoindre notre société de négoce propriétaire. Les candidats qualifiés doivent démontrer: - La capacité de calculer rapidement les cotes. - Intérêt sur les marchés financiers (Actions). - Doit fonctionner bien sous pression et s'adapter rapidement aux situations changeantes. - Grande attention aux détails. - Démontrer l'affirmation de soi. - Capacité de travailler de façon autonome. - Une attitude professionnelle. - Forte compétence informatique. Trader recevra: - Programme gratuit de formation et de mentorat - Séries 56 Commandites - Taux de compensation concurrentiels. - Pouvoir d'achat à levier (Sous réserve de l'historique des opérations et de la gestion des risques). - Soutien technique et administratif. - Outils d'analyse pré-négociation et post-négociation. - La technologie la plus récente, des outils de filtrage à la fine pointe de la technologie. - Connectivité directe ultra-rapide aux échanges, ECNs, ATSs et piscines sombres. - Possibilités de croissance disponibles. - Le commerce à distance est disponible grâce à des lignes SSL dédiées qui offrent une vitesse et une exécution de haute qualité. La rémunération sera fondée sur le rendement et une contribution en capital est nécessaire. Quasar Trading, LLC est un courtier inscrit à la SEC et membre de la CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Quasar Trading, LLC 2, rue Wall 8e étage New York, NY 10005 Coordonnées Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. New York, NY WTS recrute actuellement des personnes exceptionnelles pour se joindre à notre programme de formation sur l'équité. Nous sommes seulement intéressés par des candidats sélectionnés qui ont une passion pour le commerce exclusif avec la stratégie de négociation haute fréquence et sont prêts à prendre sur notre programme de formation vigoureux et recevoir l'éducation nécessaire et le mentorat nécessaire pour la possibilité de profiter sur une base intra-journée. Notre personnel avec plus de vingt ans d'expérience de négociation fournit une formation de haut niveau. Avec la formation en classe quotidienne, un sur un mentorat, nous sommes dévoués à fournir à nos commerçants avec des stratégies modélisées et des techniques. Notre entreprise propose une approche systématique, testée sur des données historiques que les commerçants, le commerce avec précision et précision. Avec un personnel dévoué et un support technique, nous fournissons des logiciels exclusifs complets et sophistiqués. Nos traders accumulent des bénéfices grâce à une stratégie quantitative rétrospective pour offrir d'excellents résultats. À la fin du programme de formation, les commerçants seront immédiatement alloués une partie du capital des entreprises pour commencer leur carrière en tant que commerçant. Cette répartition du capital est revue sur une base hebdomadaire. Les augmentations de capital sont fondées sur la performance si un opérateur affiche une rentabilité et une croissance constantes. On s'attend à ce que les commerçants analysent, modèlent et développent des stratégies de négociation sur les améliorations du système commercial. Exigences Les candidats éligibles auront de solides compétences en mathématiques, en analyse et en résolution de problèmes et devront être en mesure de démontrer leur intelligence, leur compétitivité et leur concentration. Connaissance approfondie d'Excel, mise en valeur de la recherche, du back-testing, de l'optimisation et de l'exécution. À un rythme rapide Niveau de carrière requis - niveau d'entrée Expérience requise - moins d'un an Éducation requise - baccalauréat Type d'emploi - Employé Statut d'emploi - Temps plein WTS Proprietary Trading Group, LLC 11 Broadway Suite 1515 New York 10004 Professional Retail Trader Lightspeed Vous êtes un commerçant professionnel cherchant à échanger votre propre capital Voulez-vous l'accès aux outils de négociation professionnels, mais don39t voulez travailler pour un magasin d'hélice Lightspeed Trading est le courtier de détail de choix pour les commerçants actifs et professionnels. Lightspeeds technologies inégalées combinées avec un service exceptionnel et des ressources éducatives donnent aux commerçants le bord dont ils ont besoin pour réussir. Lightspeed a été classé meilleur courtier pour les négociants fréquents 3 années de suite par Barrons. Si vous voulez commercer pour vivre sans avoir à obtenir des licences de l'industrie et que vous voulez la liberté de gérer votre propre compte, envisagez d'ouvrir un compte de vente au détail avec Lightspeed. La plate-forme Lightspeed Trader offre un système d'accès direct au marché entièrement personnalisable et riche en fonctionnalités pour le trader actif. Certaines des caractéristiques incluent: Échanger des actions, des options, des contrats à terme, tous à partir d'un seul écran Entrée de panier d'achat Après les heures de trading Graphiques avancés Jusqu'à 40 écrans de mises en page personnalisées Les nouveaux clients sont admissibles à la promotion ci-dessous. En outre, les commerçants très actifs peuvent se qualifier pour une tarification à escompte indéfinie. Appelez pour plus de détails. Promotion actuelle - COMMANDES À MOITIÉ DE PRIX Économisez 50 sur vos commissions d'actions et d'options pour 60 jours .00225 par action ou 2.25 par transaction pour les actions 30 cents par contrat pour les options Pas de minimums de négociation Pas de frais de transport Utiliser le code promotionnel HALFOFF Détails de la promotion: Par 73112. Seuls les comptes de marge ayant des soldes de 25 000 ou plus sont admissibles. Offre disponible uniquement pour les nouveaux clients. La période de promotion commence le jour où le compte est ouvert et se termine après 60 jours civils. Après la fin de la période promotionnelle, les taux standard et les minimums seront appliqués à votre compte. Seules les actions cotées au Nasdaq, Amex et NYSE sont éligibles. Promotion disponible uniquement pour Lightspeed Trader. Lightspeed Trading, LLC 1006 Avenue des Amériques 16e étage New York, NY 10016 Expérimenté Ampère Expérimenté Traders individuels MES Capital Ltd Bethesda, MD MES Capital Ltd est à la recherche de négociants individuels expérimentés avec des résultats éprouvés pour le commerce de notre capital. C'est une occasion inhabituelle pour les commerçants hautement qualifiés qui pourraient être très précieux. Les commerçants qui ont la propriété intellectuelle peuvent maintenir la propriété de la propriété intellectuelle et le commerce de notre capital d'entreprise basé autour de votre propriété intellectuelle aussi longtemps que commerçant pourrait fournir des résultats commerciaux valables et rentables. Nous ne recherchons pas de résultats rétrospectifs, mais des bénéfices réels et réels. Nous devons ouvrir aux traders algorithmiques et ouvert à toutes les propositions de tous les individus rentables. - Nous sommes ouverts à la négociation de toutes les classes d'actifs et de systèmes de négociation, aussi longtemps qu'ils sont rentables et cohérente-ROI cohérente sur le capital - Modèles de gestion de risque -3-5 ans d'expérience éprouvée - Min 5 ans ou plus d'expérience commerciale - Can commerce à distance FuturesOptions Trader pour Private Equity Fund Unified Capital Funds LLC New York, NY Recherché: FutursOptions Enthousiaste Trader (s) avec un bilan solide et éprouvé, qui est prêt à aider un fonds de jeunes fonds d'investissement à réaliser son plein potentiel. Nous croyons que c'est une opportunité très intéressante pour le bon Trader, ou réseau de Traders. Il s'agit d'une occasion au rez-de-chaussée de faire le commerce pour un nouveau fonds approuvé par la SEC, qui dessert un réseau d'investisseurs important et important. À mesure que vous aiderez ce premier fonds à croître, plusieurs séries suivront. On vous demandera peut-être d'aider à organiser et à orchestrer l'équipe de commerçants nécessaire qui sera nécessaire pour servir avec succès cette communauté. La considération sera accordée aux Traders individuels indépendants, mais la préférence sera donnée aux réseaux de Traders qui, collectivement, peuvent négocier 24 heures sur 24. Ce que nous recherchons Trader (s) qui: 1. Savoir comment se couvrir. Soit par: a. Utiliser la moitié du compte pour le commerce, en gardant l'autre moitié en réserve (au besoin) pour prendre une position opposée et, espérons-le, profiter des deux côtés b. Hedging Futures avec options (p. Ex. Stratégies neutres en delta), ou c. Utiliser Stop Losses - y compris Trailing Stop Losses dans ce cas, nous voudrions voir une histoire significative de métiers réels, afin que nous puissions voir comment vous sélectionnez la direction et la rapidité avec laquelle vous quittez perdants. 2. Suivez bien les règles. Nous préférons avoir une histoire de métiers perdants qui suivent solides, les règles prédéterminées que les métiers de jeu qui font de l'argent. 3. Comprendre la raison pour laquelle la Tortue gagne la course plutôt que le Lièvre. (Par exemple, la tortue fait les mêmes étapes jour après jour après jour, et comme son corps grandit en taille, la quantité de sol qu'il recouvre finit par dépasser celui du lièvre non systématique). Nous ne se soucient pas où vous vivez, ou où vous travaillez. Tant que vous (et votre équipe) disposez d'une connexion Internet solide et fiable, et que vous pouvez transporter une couverture EO appropriée, vous pourriez habiter n'importe où: New York, Chicago, Singapour, Delhi, Francfort. C'est parfait. Alors que vous nous aidez, nous vous aiderons. Si vous faites un bon travail pour nous, faites bien un bon travail pour vous. Le réseau est en place et que vous faites votre travail bien nous fournirons vous et votre équipe de commerçants avec littéralement des milliers d'investisseurs potentiels. Unified Capital Funds LLC Coins, Bullion et commerçant Bars est nécessaire. Gold Trading Express NY, NY Les responsabilités comprennent: Développer de nouveaux clients tout en maintenant la croissance des affaires existantes. Prospection et tangage conduit par appel froid suivi de ces fils par e-mail et téléphone Bâtir et entretenir des relations Fournir un service client de qualité Maintenir une base de données de base Participer aux événements du secteur Analyser le marché des métaux précieux Vendre et acheter des lingots, Notamment en offrant des conseils sur l'achat ou la vente de produits en métaux précieux particuliers. Qualifications requises: Diplôme de baccalauréat ou expérience de travail équivalente 1 an d'expérience de vente au sein de l'entreprise Expérience de froid intense est un must Prospectorhunter fort pour de nouvelles pistes, la capacité de faire de nouveaux comptes Excellente communication, service à la clientèle et les compétences interpersonnelles Compétence Microsoft Excel et Word, Outlook, Explorer et PowerPoint serait un plus Devrait avoir une connaissance sur TRADING BASIC SALARY PLUS COMISSION. Nico Trading est à la recherche d'un candidat pour un poste de gaz naturel Futures Trader. Le candidat retenu aura une expérience antérieure en trading de gaz naturel, de solides aptitudes en communication, la capacité de réfléchir rapidement et de bien performer sous le stress, et d'être à l'aise avec les plateformes de négociation électronique. Négocier et commercialiser des opportunités dans le secteur des dérivés sous-jacents du gaz naturel Maintenir activement une position à faible risque et commercer dans les limites spécifiées par la firme Développer des idées pour accroître la rentabilité du portefeuille 2 années d'expérience en trading avec Un accent sur les futurs gaz naturel Compréhension des plateformes de négociation électronique Comfortable de travail avec les courtiers par téléphone Fortes aptitudes analytiques Capacité de travailler avec succès dans un environnement d'équipe Nous offrons à tous les employés un salaire de base concurrentiel, un potentiel de bonus important et de grands avantages. Notre programme d'avantages sociaux comprend l'assurance-maladie, l'assurance dentaire, 401 (k), les congés payés, le compte d'épargne flexible, le compte d'épargne-voyage et plus encore. Nous sommes idéalement situés à proximité des transports en commun dans le centre-ville de Chicago. Nico Holdings LLC 222, rue W. Adams Suite 1500 Chicabo, IL 60606 Old Mission Capital accepte actuellement des demandes d'adjoints de négociation. Les commerçants travaillent en équipe pour rechercher et commercialiser de manière rentable des titres à prix inexacts. Les traders sont responsables de la prise de décision disciplinée, de la gestion des risques, de la tarification des dérivés et de la recherche de nouvelles opportunités pour les entreprises rentables. Les candidats supérieurs possèdent généralement: - un diplôme de premier ou de deuxième cycle dans des domaines quantitatifs tels que l'informatique, l'ingénierie ou l'une des sciences exactes; - la connaissance d'un langage de programmation tel que C ou Python; - la capacité de travailler et de résoudre des problèmes dans le cadre de Souvent dans un environnement à haute pression - Un fort désir de connaissances et de comprendre comment les choses fonctionnent - Supérieur des compétences de communication écrite et verbale Aucune expérience préalable en finance est nécessaire pour être considéré pour un poste de négociation à Old Mission. Old Mission Capital est une société de négoce propriétaire avec des bureaux à Chicago et à New York. Dans le monde concurrentiel du commerce électronique, nous utilisons des techniques quantitatives et des technologies de pointe pour identifier les opportunités commerciales rentables à travers le monde. New Mercury Partners New York, NY Mercury Partners est à la recherche d'un Trader d'Énergie de Commodities. Ce portefeuille est activement géré avec une flexibilité significative en termes de positionnement par rapport aux exigences de couverture. Les limites de risque et les contrôles ont été établis en fonction de l'environnement commercial avec lequel le SGEM agit. Les mesures du rendement et la rémunération fixée sont conformes aux normes applicables dans le secteur de l'échange d'énergie. Ce poste jouera un rôle de leadership dans la gestion de l'exposition directrice aux marchés du pétrole et de l'électricité, en développant des stratégies axées sur le positionnement à prix fixe. Les options financières sont un outil essentiel pour la mise en œuvre de ces stratégies. Cet objectif de positions est de générer des revenus de négociation propriétaires Cette position, fait partie d'une équipe de négociation composée de deux Traders Senior axé sur la valeur relative et les marchés de produits. Cette équipe a un accès complet aux ressources développées par Cargill pour servir ses activités de négociation de l'énergie: études de marché, logiciels, analystes de risque. Exigences: Doit avoir 10 ans de négoce de marchandises ex Mercury Partners 60 East 42nd Street Suite 760 New York, NY 10165 Marquette Partners LP cherche toujours à recruter de manière agressive des commerçants établis pour son équipe commerciale de Chicago. Les commerçants qui sont confiants dans leurs capacités de négociation et compétents à travers une ou toutes les classes d'actifs seront considérés. Il s'agit d'une occasion extrêmement lucrative de bénéficier plus directement de leurs propres succès. Les candidats appropriés proviendront probablement de banques d'investissement ou de hedge funds. - Historique éprouvé de la négociation rentable (minimum de six chiffres par an). - Auto-démarreur avec de fortes compétences interpersonnelles et analytiques se félicite d'un défi. - Démontre une excellente compréhension fondamentale des marchés et des spreads. - Capacité d'identifier les opportunités commerciales et de développer des stratégies de trading exclusives basées sur une analyse propre. - Travailler selon des directives données sur la gestion des risques. - Préparer à présenter à la direction une proposition commerciale d'approche donnée. - Très énergique et motivé et a l'intérêt de travailler dans un environnement de partage d'idées. - Résultats axés sur les résultats. Marquette Partners offre un excellent ensemble complet d'avantages sociaux incluant: - Assurance médicale et médicaments d'ordonnance - Assurance dentaire - Assurance vision - Vie en groupe et couverture AD et D - Couverture d'invalidité et de maternité de courte durée - Plan de retraite 401k - Bonus - Petit-déjeuner et collations offerts - Programme de livraison de repas Marquette Partners est une société de négoce exclusive avec accès direct aux principaux marchés mondiaux de produits dérivés. Marquette Partners LP 801 West Adams Suite 500 Chicago, IL 60607 Trader Professionnel Keystone Trading Group New York, NY Keystone Trading Group est à la recherche d'opérateurs professionnels. Les traders expérimentés avec un record documenté et rentable trading trading bénéficiera de partenariat avec Keystone Trading Group en recevant certains des mêmes avantages que d'une institution. Notre objectif est de vous aider à prendre votre trading au niveau suivant en vous fournissant le capital nécessaire, la gestion des risques appropriée et en passant le long de nos coûts de transaction faible. Keystone Trading Group 450 7th Avenue Suite 2509 New York, NY 10123 Spécialiste des opérations commerciales Jump Trading Chicago, IL Jump Trading est à la recherche d'un spécialiste des opérations commerciales. L'individu dans ce rôle se joindra à une équipe de négociation basée à Chicago et surveillera de façon proactive et vérifier toutes les activités de négociation tout au long de la journée. Les tâches et les responsabilités comprennent: - Réconcilier et gérer continuellement les positions de négociation; - Communiquer avec le soutien du commerce de change en cas d'urgence; - Interagir avec le personnel de soutien informatique pour confirmer les problèmes système éventuels. - Démarrer les ordinateurs et se connecter à divers systèmes propriétaires. Utiliser des applications internes - rédiger des scripts ou modifier ceux existants en cas de besoin commercial - gérer les problèmes de conformité et les rapports ad hoc pour l'équipe - mettre à jour diverses bases de données, par exemple Calendrier des événements financiers, spécifications des produits, etc. - Autres tâches assignées par le gestionnaire - 2-3 années d'expérience en EQUITY TRADING requises - Capacité de suivre des instructions spécifiques et des directives générales dans le contexte du support opérationnel des produits - Excellente compréhension des fondamentaux de Linux - Windows Connaissances hautement souhaitées - Expérience avec Perl ou Python un fort avantage - Expérience avec Bloomberg et Corporate Actions requises - Compréhension de la façon dont les actions des entreprises impact sur les marchés - Connaissance de SQL - Shell scripting (ksh ou bash) - Compétente avec Excel, travail confortable avec des tableurs sur une base quotidienne. - Excellente capacité de documentation - Possibilité de multitâche et de priorisation de projets multiples dans un environnement exigeant et exigeant - Excellente aptitude à la communication, écrite et orale - requise pour fonctionner au sein d'une équipe mondiale Est une société de négoce propriétaire, positionnée au niveau mondial, qui reste à la fine pointe de la négociation algorithmique. Salons de négociation 600 W Chicago Ave. Suite 825 Chicago, IL 60654 Expérimenté Trader Kershner Trading Group, LLC Austin, TX Kershner Trading Group est à la recherche de commerçants expérimentés. Nous recherchons des individus motivés avec les qualifications suivantes :: Enregistrement vérifiable de succès commercial Volonté d'automatiser des stratégies éprouvées record de l'avoir fait un grand plus. Volonté de travailler avec d'autres pour améliorer la rentabilité Compétence démontrée de discipline dans un environnement concurrentiel Résistance éprouvée et confiance en soi Kershner Trading Group est une entreprise de négociation exclusive pour les commerçants professionnels. La rue Jane est une société de négoce propriétaire quantitative qui fonctionne autour de l'horloge et dans le monde entier. Les commerçants travaillent en équipe pour rechercher et tirer parti des inefficacités de tarification, élaborer des modèles, gérer les risques, étudier de nouveaux produits et pousser dans de nouveaux secteurs d'activité. Les traders expérimentés encadrent de nouveaux collègues, dont les responsabilités augmentent avec leurs capacités. Jane Street Capital, LLC 1 New York Plaza 33e étage New York, NY 10004 Trader électronique Trader International LLC LLC Glenview, IL International Trading Group LLC est à la recherche de commerçants électroniques expérimentés. International Trading Group a des opportunités pour les traders électroniques expérimentés avec une expérience avérée. Si vous êtes un trader électronique prospère à la recherche d'une occasion unique. International Trading Group LLC 2700, rue Patriot Blvd 350 Glenview, IL 60026 Le groupe IMC La position de Junior Trader est celle qui exige des compétences analytiques et numériques supérieures. En tant que membre de l'IMC de Chicago, vos principales responsabilités seront les suivantes: - Prix et options de négociation et autres produits financiers - Entrée et gestion des postes dont vous êtes responsable - Développement, maintien et amélioration des modèles de négociation - Recherche de nouvelles opportunités de marché et analyse des tendances actuelles Tendances du marché Considérez un environnement où vos décisions ont un impact direct sur les profits commerciaux de l'entreprise et où la discipline, la motivation, la créativité, le travail d'équipe et la persévérance sont reconnus, appréciés et récompensés. Connaissances et compétences requises - BAMS dans tous les majors avec un champ d'étude analoguequantitative connexe - Minimum GPA de 3,5 - Intérêt sur les marchés financiers est un must - Excellentes compétences analytiques et mathématiques - Pensée rapide et décisive - Stage ou expérience dans une industrie similaire préféré - Capacité d'agir et de réussir dans un environnement en mouvement rapide et à haute pression - Volonté d'être un chef d'équipe avant, pendant et après les heures de négociation - Souci d'apprendre sur le négoce de produits dérivés et être prêt à apprendre en permanence - Expérience de la programmation en langues Tels que Java et C IMC Chicago offre des salaires compétitifs et des avantages sociaux, et un environnement de travail unique, stimulant et gratifiant, y compris les possibilités de travailler à l'étranger. Votre emploi débutera par une séance de formation mondiale de 4 semaines avec de nouvelles recrues IMC de partout dans le monde. HTG Capital Partners est toujours à la recherche de négociants individuels expérimentés avec des résultats éprouvés. Le profil d'un opérateur individuel est celui qui cherche l'indépendance et l'amélioration des conditions contractuelles, mais qui a encore besoin d'allocation de capital, de services et de soutien. Nous fournissons des accords personnalisés qui peuvent inclure notre capital, les adhésions d'échange, la connectivité, la comptabilité, les ressources humaines, l'informatique, les services de back office et la gestion des risques. Les personnes qui ont la propriété intellectuelle peuvent maintenir la propriété de la propriété intellectuelle. Nous sommes particulièrement intéressés par les algorithmiques et les professionnels du commerce de gré à gré, mais sont ouverts aux propositions de tous les individus rentables. Gardian Trading, LLC Guardian Trading offre tout ce que n'importe quel commerçant d'actions a besoin: - Les commissions les plus faibles de l'industrie - High Payout - 10x (HTC Capital Partners, LLC) 601 S LaSalle St 200 Chicago, IL 60605 Pouvoir d'achat pour commencer - Faible dépôt de risque minimum de 3000 - Aucune licence requise - Utilisez nos installations de bureau sans frais de bureau si vous préférez le commerce dans un environnement de bureau. - Partager des idées et des stratégies avec d'autres commerçants dans le bureau pour améliorer la rentabilité. - Utiliser la gestion de Guardian Trading comme une ressource pour les questions liées au logiciel ainsi que des idées de négociation. - Ou tout simplement le commerce sur votre propre dans un environnement de bureau agréable. Guardian Trading est un groupe de négociation de private equity basé en Californie. Gardien Trading, LLC Garden Grove, CA Getco cherche des commerçants. Les traders de GETCO permettent à d'autres commerçants du monde entier de traiter avec confiance, certitude et rapidité. Les commerçants sont un groupe concurrentiel, piloté par une variété de milieux, mais ils ont tous une chose en commun: une passion implacable pour faire fonctionner les marchés financiers mieux pour tout le monde. Si cela ressemble à vous, alors envisager une carrière avec nous. Nos commerçants travaillent dans un environnement rapide où la rétroaction du marché est quasi instantanée. Ils travaillent sur des équipes interdisciplinaires aux côtés d'autres commerçants, quants et ingénieurs de logiciels chevronnés, tous travaillant à faire fonctionner les marchés plus efficacement. Getco est un spécialiste mondial du marché qui aide les investisseurs à transférer efficacement leurs risques. Notre activité principale consiste à acheter et à vendre des titres pour offrir des marchés bilatéraux sur les marchés boursiers à travers le monde et en tant que créateur de marché désigné (DMM) à la Bourse de New York. Nous fournissons également aux clients des services de routage et de liquidité dédiée via un système de négociation alternatif, Getco Execution Services (GES). À propos de la société Geneva Trading est un cabinet de commerce principal avec des bureaux au centre-ville de Chicago et à Dublin, en Irlande. Culture de la Compagnie A Genève, nous sommes engagés dans le développement continu de nos commerçants et employés. Notre structure organisationnelle plate et notre environnement décontracté encouragent l'échange de nouvelles idées. Trouver des individus brillants avec la volonté d'innover et de grandir a finalement conduit à notre succès continu au sein de l'industrie du commerce. Bref sommaire de la position Nous recherchons actuellement des traders CREATIVE expérimentés pour rejoindre notre équipe. Si vous avez un dossier de rentabilité, d'innovation, de discipline et une forte motivation pour réussir - nous vous invitons à postuler pour ce poste. Développée en interne, la plate-forme propriétaire de Geneva Tradings offre une connectivité mondiale exceptionnellement rapide et une logique de négociation sur mesure pour soutenir les objectifs de nos commerçants de développer continuellement leur avantage commercial stratégique et de surperformer de façon constante. Nous offrons une rémunération compétitive. Outre les membres de leur équipe, le candidat retenu bénéficiera de l'aide d'un personnel de soutien expérimenté, de technologues de développement de plateforme et d'une équipe de cadres supérieurs. Nous sommes fiers de former des partenariats mutuellement bénéfiques avec nos commerçants et de maintenir un engagement à long terme pour leur développement personnel. Fonctions Développer l'expertise dans le logiciel de négociation propriétaire des entreprises Compiler des rapports statistiques sur les différentes stratégies de négociation Échanges de recherche pour de nouvelles opportunités commerciales potentielles Développer des outils pour aider à améliorer currentnew stratégies Gérer améliorer les stratégies actuelles Travailler en équipe pour développer de nouvelles stratégies Trading rentable Liaise with Management , Risque, Développement Juridique pour apporter de nouvelles Stratégies à la Production Exigences de Travail Connaissance d'une variété d'Instruments Financiers Classes d'Actifs bénéfique Expérience d'utilisation d'outils analytiques Expérience d'Arbitrage précieux Systèmes financiers antérieurs Expérience de négociation est un prérequis Connaissance des produits Exchange, Démontrer un record de rentabilité de négociation cohérente Une discipline de gestion des risques impeccable Le candidat devrait avoir une forte capacité quantitative Exigences pédagogiques Exigences Baccalauréat en finance, en économie, en mathématiques, en statistiques ou dans un domaine connexe Expérience de négociation récente minimum de 4 ans Expérience de programmation avantageuse Genève Trading 980 North Michigan Avenue Suite 1710 Dublin, Irlande 60611 Expérimenté Trader Gelber Group, LLC Chicago, IL Groupe Gelber est activement à la recherche de commerçants expérimentés qui ont une expérience éprouvée de succès. - Une stratégie qui est actuellement et constamment rentable, nous sommes ouverts à tous les marchés et classes d'actifs. - Excellent retour sur capital. - Une expérience éprouvée, en cours, de trois ans (et pas seulement back-tested). - Expérience chez une société de négoce propriétaire haut de gamme, un hedge fund ou une banque un plus. Gelber Groupe, LLC 141 W. Jackson Blvd. G-2 Trading LLC est engagée à la croissance en fournissant les outils requis par les analystes exceptionnels de Wall Street, les courtiers et les commerçants institutionnels qui veulent contrôler leur propre destin. Nous offrons des solutions technologiques clés en main, certains des employés les plus expérimentés de la rue et plus de 50 ans d'expérience en gestion combinée. G-2 Trading et ses prédécesseurs ont navigué avec succès sur près de 20 ans de marchés haussiers et baissiers et de changements financiers importants. G-2 est un courtier inscrit et membre de NASDAQ OMX PHLX. G-2 est une société de négoce propriétaire, et ses commerçants doivent être série 7 licence. New York, NY 10017 Trader Equity Trader FRONTLINE CAPITAL INC. New York, NY Frontline Capital cherche des négociateurs en actions ayant des antécédents éprouvés. Le candidat idéal aura plus de trois ans d'expérience en trading d'actions et aura terminé tous les cours pertinents de l'industrie. Ce candidat utilisera des compétences quantitatives et statistiques et des stratégies pour générer des profits de façon constante. Frontline s'engage à utiliser toutes les ressources afin d'intégrer pleinement les commerçants talentueux. Cette personne est encouragée à back-test de nouvelles stratégies et la conception de nouveaux programmes avec les développeurs. Baccalauréat ou l'équivalent avec une compréhension fondamentale des marchés boursiers. 3 ans d'expérience dans un poste de négociation d'actions exclusif avec une connaissance exceptionnelle des produits d'actions. Fortes aptitudes entrepreneuriales motivées et capacité à travailler de façon autonome ou en équipe. Excel at multitasking in a fast-paced, high-stress environment. Frontline Capital is a proprietary trading firm specializing in equities, futures products, and currencies across all North American and European exchanges. FRONTLINE CAPITAL INC. Proprietary Trader First New York Securities LLC New York, NY First New York Securities, LLC is one of the largest and most successful proprietary trading firms in the country. Founded in 1986, and backed by a state of the art, 50,000 square foot trading floor in the heart of Manhattan, First New York provides its traders with cutting edge technology and resources to enable them to succeed. First New York is well capitalized and is one of the few remaining classic partnerships on Wall Street. The firms compensation structure is designed to recognize and reward superior individual performance. With more than 225 senior traders covering a variety of asset classes including equities, fixed income, commodities and derivatives, First New York is an excellent fit for the most talented traders in the industry. - Interested candidates should submit a brief description of their trading strategy First New York Securities LLC 90 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 DRW Holdings, LLC is headquartered in Chicago and has offices in New York and London. We currently employ over 450 people worldwide from many different disciplines and backgrounds. We are currently seeking an experienced Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) trader to join our Chicago headquarters office. Trade TIPS products utilizing both automated and manual execution strategies Manage and optimize the risk of TIPS portfolio Identify and capture current opportunities research and introduce new trading strategies Research, identify, and execute trading strategies which fit within the risk parameters of the TIPS book Review all transactions to ensure trades conform to pertinent laws and regulations Recognize market participant patterns Create models based on analysis and modify based on market dynamics take risks accordingly Assist in the growth and development of junior traders 3 years of experience successfully managing an inflation-linked book Must have in-depth understanding of inflation products Experience developing and designing derivatives pricing and hedging tools using VBA and Excel Must have strong risk management skills Bachelors degree Must be proficient in Excel and Bloomberg Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Strong quantitative skills Strong problem-solving skills essential Proven ability to investigate issues within own area of work and produce results DRW Holdings, LLC 540 W. Madison Street Suite 2500 Chicago, IL 60661 Algorithmic Trader Allston Trading, LLC Chicago, IL Allston Trading, LLC, A key role bridging the gap between trading strategy and the firms technological initiatives, the algorithmic trader is a necessary catalyst for exploiting new market opportunities. - Responsibilities range from researching new strategies - maintaining and improving existing strategies - following through on design - implementation, and deployment of trade systems. - The best candidates are those that take initiative - have strong problem solving skills - employ great attention to detail. - Proficiency in at least one of the following languages: Java, C, R, Matlab, Ruby, Python - Solid grasp of mathematical modeling and statistical methods - Self-starter with an entrepreneurial spirit Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Allston Trading, LLC is a premier high frequency market maker in over 40 financial exchanges, in 20 countries, and in nearly every conceivable product class. We sit at the intersection of financial strategy and high-technology this requires us to hire the best and brightest and give them the tools and freedom they need to be successful. Allston Trading, LLC 440 South LaSalle One Financial Place Suite 1211 Chicago, IL 60605 Experienced Equity Options Trader Cutler Group, LP. San Francisco, CA Cutler Group, LP, is looking to add experienced option market makers to its partnership. Trader will receive: - Cutler provides platforms for individuals to act as market makers on listed US Equity options exchanges. - Using sophisticated technology, our traders have direct access to options markets and serve as market makers in over 3,000 listed issues. - Cutler market makers represent a wide range of experience from multiple firms across the street (Wall, LaSalle, Market and Montgomery). - As capital partners, your interests and ours are fully aligned. We succeed when you succeed. - We offer a superior package of rates for trading, clearing, haircut, technology and revenue split. Initial capital contribution requirements will be determined based on previous track record and depth of trading experience. All traders and trading groups become members of the Cutler Group LP Broker Dealer and, as such, are subject to the risks of joining the LP and maintaining a subaccount in a nonsegregated pooled environment. Cutler Group is a proprietary trading firm headquartered in San Francisco with offices in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. Our primary focus is equity option market making. We are members of a number of major US option exchanges, including NYSEArca, CBOE, NASDAQ OMXPHLX, NYSEAmex Options and BATS. The Firm currently has over sixty traders. Cutler Group, LP. 101 Montgomery Street Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94104 Experienced Proprietary Trader Cutler Group, LP. San Francisco, CA Cutler Group, LP, is looking to add experienced equity and equity option proprietary traders to its partnership. Trader will receive: - Cutler provides a comprehensive platform for our professional trader partners to engage the market on listed US Equity and US Equity Options exchanges. - We offer a proprietary risk management and execution solution on our dedicated national network. - Cutler proprietary traders represent a wide range of experience from multiple firms across the street (Wall, LaSalle, Market and Montgomery). - As capital partners, your interests and ours are fully aligned. - We succeed when you succeed. We offer a superior package of rates for trading, clearing, haircut, technology and revenue split. Initial capital contribution requirements will be determined based on previous track record and depth of trading experience. All traders and trading groups become members of the Cutler Group LP Broker Dealer and, as such, are subject to the risks of joining the LP and maintaining a subaccount in a nonsegregated pooled environment. Cutler Group is a proprietary trading firm headquartered in San Francisco with offices in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. Our primary focus is equity option market making. We are members of a number of major US option exchanges, including NYSEArca, CBOE, NASDAQ OMXPHLX, NYSEAmex Options and BATS. The Firm currently has over sixty traders. Cutler Group, LP. 101 Montgomery Street Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94104 Junior Proprietary Trader D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. New York, NY D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. offers opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds who display evidence of outstanding ability and have a track record of exceptional accomplishment. - Strong quantitative and analytical abilities - extraordinary communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills and an exceptional sensitivity to detail are essential. - The ideal candidate will have up to two years general experience with an outstanding academic record (e. g. excellent standardized test scores and GPA from a top-tier school), and a high level of computer literacy. - Direct prior experience is not required, but demonstrated interest in and exposure to financial markets is a decided advantage. The D. E. Shaw group is a global investment and technology development firm with more than 1,100 employees approximately 21 billion in investment capital as of October 1, 2011 and offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Since its founding in 1988, the firm has earned an international reputation for financial innovation, technological leadership, and an extraordinarily distinguished staff. D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. 1166 Avenue of the Americas Ninth Floor New York, NY 10036 Senior Commodities Trader D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. New York, NY D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. The D. E. Shaw group seeks a senior proprietary commodities trader to join the Discretionary Macro group in its New York office. This dynamic group seeks to take advantage of mispricings within and across a range of asset classes globally. The trader will be involved in the development, analysis, and execution of discretionary trading strategies across all commodities sectors, with a primary focus in agricultural products. - The ideal candidate will have 5 years of experience in commodities markets, preferably in a trading function. - Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills are required and strong analytical abilities as well as an exceptional sensitivity to detail are necessary. This role affords the opportunity to contribute as part of an established team, and to be directly exposed to investment decisions by collaborating with seasoned, senior members of the firm. The D. E. Shaw group is a global investment and technology development firm with more than 1,100 employees approximately 21 billion in investment capital as of October 1, 2011 and offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Since its founding in 1988, the firm has earned an international reputation for financial innovation, technological leadership, and an extraordinarily distinguished staff. D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. 1166 Avenue of the Americas Ninth Floor New York, NY 10036 Trader Recruiter Next Gen Autotrader Jersey City, NJ Looking for Top Mathematical Statistical Financial Talent Calling upon top traders, mathematicians, statisticians and engineering prospects - undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to apply. (NY or remote, anywhere) Do you consider yourself top financial talent. Have you always wanted to take your math skills to the next level and translate them into successful market strategies. We are currently recruiting top global talent and will help turn your concepts and algorithms into automated trading strategies. We are in the process of recruiting individuals with a mathematical and statistical background to work with our team who will automate, program and fund strategies (if successful and approved). We may fund successful candidates who demonstrate a good understanding of mathematics, analytics, statistics and can develop successful strategies along-side our team. Compensation based on performance. Next Gen Autotrader Contact Information 646-597-6095 Trader Recruiter Next Gen Autotrader New York, NY Looking for Top Mathematical Statistical Financial Talent Calling upon top traders, mathematicians, statisticians and engineering prospects - undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to apply. (NY or remote, anywhere) Do you consider yourself top financial talent. Have you always wanted to take your math skills to the next level and translate them into successful market strategies. We are currently recruiting top global talent and will help turn your concepts and algorithms into automated trading strategies. We are in the process of recruiting individuals with a mathematical and statistical background to work with our team who will automate, program and fund strategies (if successful and approved). We may fund successful candidates who demonstrate a good understanding of mathematics, analytics, statistics and can develop successful strategies along-side our team. Compensation based on performance. Next Gen Autotrader Contact Information 646-597-6095 Futures and Stock Traders Wanted - Fund Management Stonehenge EMG, LLC Delray Beach, FL Professional trading firm located in Delray Beach, FL provides a hands on approach for prospective and successful traders seeking a direct career path in becoming a Hedge Fund Manager or Commodity Trading Advisor. Trade stocks, futures andor forex from our newly built trading floor or remotely. Enjoy state of the art technology, top-notch execution platforms and professional execution rates. Combined, our team has over 60 years of trading industry experience. We are not a prop-shop. We are the avenue and fast track to a true career as a fundmoney manager. Our firm will closely assist accepted traders through the entire process with the ultimate goal of becoming a fund manager. This includes, building an marketable auditable track record, raising trading capital for successful traders and more. Trading guidance by our experienced team Proprietary trading software Trading computers with multiple screens Low latency connections Robust execution platforms and charting Professional commission rates Professional level leverage Auditable trading track records A professional trading room atmosphere For The SuccessfulProven Traders Managers, We Offer: Fund formation Regulatory registration Seed capital availability Capital introduction Marketing Fund administration, compliance and more Private office suites A minimum 25,000 trading account is required ( 10,000 if trading FX) in order to begin building your auditable track record. This account is in your name and we do not share in the profits or losses. Intermediate to Experienced traders only. Limited space is available. Please e-mail your resume and a brief description of your trading background. We will contact you to arrange a meeting. Delray Beach, FL EquityAlgorithmic Trader Wanted TUI Trading South East Remote, FL YOUR OPPORTUNITY TUI Trading is actively recruiting traders to trade with our firm and join our U. S. Equities trade desk, both remote and on site. Our members enjoy many benefits that facilitate successful trading careers. Members of our firm have access to our exclusive algorithmic trading system . In addition, we provide access to firm capital, professional direct-access routing capabilities, guidance from our head traders, ultra fast software platforms and connectivity, competitive rates, and a same day approval process for applicants. Industry leading payouts and institutional rates are given. Networks and groups of traders, please contact us to find out about our affiliate program. REQUIREMENTS - Experience as a trader or familiarity with the US equities market - Registration and series 56 required for US traders - Adherence to firm supervisory procedures and exchange rules - Maintenance of proper risk management - Coordination of trading strategies with research desk - Strong technology skills with the ability to quickly learn various software applications COMPENSATION This is a performance-based position. Our top traders earn over 100K per year. CONTACT US Website: tuitrading Email: infotuitrading Tel: 561-444-8111 South East Remote, FL ProprietaryAlgorithmic Trader Coastal Trade Securities, LLC. New York, NY Coastal Trade Securities, LLC, is seeking equity traders to join their proprietary trading firm. Offering a variety of direct-access trading platforms and advanced analytical tools, we can provide a trader with the necessary resources to compete in today39s challenging market environment. - Minimum 5 year trading experience. - Proven track record is preferred. - Strong analytical skills. - Fundamental analysis - Retain strong discipline Trader will receive: - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Coastal Trade Securities, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Coastal Trade Securities, LLC. 45 Brodway 20 Floor New York, NY 10005 Contact Information Andrew Coley Experienced Equity Trader (Remote) Quasar Trading, LLC. New York, NY Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an Experienced Equity Trader to join our proprietary trading firm. -2 years Equity Trading experience - A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies: - Strong analytical skills. - Risk Bids (Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP39s) - ETF arbitrage strategies - Macro strategies - Event Driven strategies - Fundamental strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Volatility strategies - Special situations - Proven track record is preferred. - Fundamental analysis - Extremely quantitative. - Clean U-4 - Minimum capital contribution is required. Trader will receive: - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Quasar Trading, LLC. 2 Wall Street 8th Floor New York, NY Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Experienced Equity Trader (Remote) Quasar Trading, LLC. Los Angeles, CA Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an Experienced Equity Trader to join our proprietary trading firm. -2 years Equity Trading experience - A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies: - Strong analytical skills. - Risk Bids (Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP39s) - ETF arbitrage strategies - Macro strategies - Event Driven strategies - Fundamental strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Volatility strategies - Special situations - Proven track record is preferred. - Fundamental analysis - Extremely quantitative. - Clean U-4 - Minimum capital contribution is required. Trader will receive: - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Junior Equity Trader Entry Level (Remote) Quasar Trading, LLC. Los Angeles, CA Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an experienced Junior Equity Trader (Entry Level) to join our proprietary trading firm. Qualified candidates must demonstrate: - Ability to quickly calculate odds. - Interest in financial markets (Equities). - Must work well under pressure and quickly adapt to changing situations. - High attention to detail. - Demonstrate assertiveness. - Ability to work independently. - Professional attitude. - Strong level of computer competency. Trader will receive: - Training and Mentorship program. - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Proprietary Equities Trader Avatar Securities Chicago, IL Avatar Securities, LLC is recruiting experienced cash equity traders with proven track records in equities to join our proprietary trading desk in Chicago. Members benefit from a technologically advanced trading environment with payout and cost structures that surpass other firms. Traders use DMA platforms to access advanced order types (Algorithm, VWAP, TWAP, etc) and dark pool liquidity providers. Avatar welcomes experienced equities traders of all backgrounds and trading strategies (Automated, Basket, Momentum, Pairs, Rebate, StatArb, Technical, etc). Avatar seeks deeply experienced traders at this time and may require a capital contribution that will be based upon the trader39s needs, experience, and skill level. Traders benefit from our impressive 10,000 square foot trading space located in the heart of Chicago39s financial district and will be surrounded by some of the best equities traders in the area. Compensation is based on performance and Avatar provides the leverage and tools needed for our traders to succeed. If you are interested, please visit our website and fill out a contact request. Quantitative Trader - Senior Equity Trader Quasar Trading LLC new york, NY Quasar Trading, LLC . a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an experienced Senior Equity Trader (Quantitative Trading) to join our proprietary trading firm. This excellent career opportunity will provide the selected candidate with the ability to contribute to a growing equity prop trading desk and leverage their knowledge to implement new strategies in growing the business. Work alongside our algorithmic traders and developers to seamlessly implement your strategies. Quasar can offer you an environment geared towards performance, co-located infrastructure in several market data centers for ultra low latency execution, backtesting tools, technical support, and access to firm capital. Quasars in house developers are experienced in handling financial applications, optimizing execution and market connectivity. They are experts in the field of code optimization, and can create prime code that works faster, utilizes fewer resources and is easier to read and revise in the future. The final code has such flexibility, that most future revisions can be done directly by the clients front end user without developer involvement. Due to our expertise and experience, turnaround times on projects are extremely short, and debugging to final application includes very few iterations, thus saving development time and money. -3 years Equity Prop Trading experience - A minimum of a Bachelor39s degree in Business, Finance, Management, Computer Science, Math or related field of study - A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies: - Risk Bids (Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP39s) - ETF arbitrage strategies - Event Driven strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Proven track record For more information contact tradingquasar-trading, Please put Senior equity trader-Quantitative Trading on the subject line. Quasar Trading LLC 2 Wall Street 8th floor new york, NY 10005 Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Experienced Equity Traders Wanted (Remote) Globus Trading Concord, Canada Globus Trading . a trading firm which has been in business for 10 years is looking for experienced traders. If you are an experienced trader that knows what heshe wants, contact us today. We are pleased to introduce a brand new fee structure. - 100 payout - No Commission - No software fees (Sterling PRO Laser platforms are available) - No dataentitlement fees (Futures and Index data available at extra cost) - Full ECN pass-through including rebates and fees for adding and removing liquidity - Flat monthly fee (Starting at 250month) - Trade our firm39s capital Contact us for more details. Globus Trading 553 Basaltic Road EquityForex Trader Spartan Capital Partners Hicksville, NY Growing trading firm looking to hire and train new traders. The stock market is a great place to make a lot of money. If you have an interest in trading stock or currency give us a call. NO experience needed. We will train you and teach you how to be a successful trader and show you how to make money using various methods and skills. NO COLD CALLING NO OPENING ACCOUNTS you will not need to be licensed since you will be trading private money. you will be trained as a trader and start trading your very first day. We offer many analysts with different methods and skills that will help you make money. some have over 15 years of experience. they offer Picks with entry and exit points will teach you how to read graphs properly and make judgments for yourself also will give you feed back and game plan for any stocks you may want to trade. our office is very friendly and laid back no one is in their own. each traders helps the other we work as a team. if interested please email contact info to Lowest rates available - ( if you are currently trading and want a lower commission WE WILL BEAT IT) NOTE - We have an auto trading system. The algorithm unit signals traders where to buy and where to sell. gray box trading open to ALL traders Spartan Capital Partners 240 W. Old Country Rd Hicksville, NY 11801 Traders Wanted T3 Trading Group, LLC Dallas, TX T3 Trading Group, LLC, a registered broker-dealer and member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is currently hiring traders. T3 Trading Group LLC is looking for motivated and dedicated individuals with experience in equityoptions trading. We offer the opportunity to trade in a professional environment using advanced DMA platforms with competitive commission rates. Our branch office offers: State of the art execution and charting platforms Proprietary real-time news feeds Live SP squawk box Proprietary, customizable stock filters and screeners Experienced management and administrative support staff on site Access to T3live virtual trading floor Experienced traders available for mentorship Dedicated, capable data lines with system redundancies Comprehensive risk management tools Seeking 2 years experience in trading. If youre an experienced trader and want to operate from a home-office environment, we also offer remote trading through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. To learn more please send your resume to Don. McClivet3trading T3 Trading Group, LLC Traders Wanted T3 Trading Group, LLC Chicago, IL T3 Trading Group, LLC, a registered broker-dealer and member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is currently hiring traders. T3 Trading Group LLC is looking for motivated and dedicated individuals with experience in equityoptions trading. We offer the opportunity to trade in a professional environment using advanced DMA platforms with competitive commission rates. Our branch office offers: State of the art execution and charting platforms Proprietary real-time news feeds Live SP squawk box Proprietary, customizable stock filters and screeners Experienced management and administrative support staff on site Access to T3live virtual trading floor Experienced traders available for mentorship Dedicated, capable data lines with system redundancies Comprehensive risk management tools Seeking 2 years experience in trading. If youre an experienced trader and want to operate from a home-office environment, we also offer remote trading through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. To learn more please send your resume to Don. McClivet3trading T3 Trading Group, LLC Contact Information Don McClive EquityOption Trader T3 Trading Group, LLC Los Angeles, CA T3 Trading Group, LLC, a registered broker-dealer and member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is currently hiring traders for the Los Angeles office. T3 Trading Group LLC is looking for motivated and dedicated individuals with experience in equityoptions trading. We offer the opportunity to trade in a professional environment using advanced DMA platforms with competitive commission rates. Los Angeles branch office offers: - State of the art execution and charting platforms - Proprietary real-time news feeds - Live SP squawk box - Proprietary, customizable stock filters and screeners - Experienced management and administrative support staff on site - Access to T3live virtual trading floor - Experienced traders available for mentorship - Dedicated, capable data lines with system redundancies - Comprehensive risk management tools Seeking 2 years experience in trading. If you39re an experienced trader and want to operate from a home-office environment, we also offer remote trading through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. To learn more please send your resume to Don. McClivet3trading T3 Trading Group, LLC 10801 National Boulevard Suite 404 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Equity Traders Trader Groups Proprietary Trading Firms Trader Recruiting Los Angeles, CA Our client is a rapidly expanding, SEC-registered BrokerDealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange. They have onsite trading desks in NYC and Chicago with remote trading opportunities nationwide. Looking for experienced equity traders, trading groups, and other proprietary (prop) trading firms needing to partner with a BD. Qualifications: - Minimum 1 years of equity trading experience - Securities Licenses are NOT required - Minimum capital contribution is required Benefits: - Well capitalized firm capital to trade - Buying power up to 40:1 (based on experience and risk management) - Ultra-fast connectivity 30 routes ECN rebates - Unlimited trades no minimum trading volume - Institutional rates (per share or per trade) - Large list of shorts penny stocks - Pre post market trades - Overnights allowed Send CV: TraderRecruitinggmail Contact Information TraderRecruitinggmail Proprietary Day Trader ProTrade Securities, LLC New York, NY ProTrade Securities, LLC is an aggressively expanding equities trading firm with branch offices and locations throughout the United States, seeking professional and enthusiastic traders. We cater to the options of trading either in house or remotely from your home or personal office Here is why experienced equity traders become Pro-Traders: - Flexible, professional and competitive rates - Dedicated operations staff - Cutting-edge trading platforms - The ability to trade with firm capital - Connectivity to NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX - Sophisticated routing capabilities - Access to multiple floor brokers - Entrepreneurial opportunities to become a branch manager With a proven trading record, ProTrade will give you the extremely competitive and rates that you deserve, as well as room for improvement upon profitability and volume. Our highly reputable, well-organized operations department is comprised of eager individuals, dedicated to supporting traders and providing a comfortable trading environment in order to appease profitability. ProTrade Securities, LLC is a CBSX registered broker dealer, that believes that success is not measured by the level of profits, but rather by the level of consistency. Learn more about trader opportunities by visiting: protradesecuritiestraderfaq. html E-mail your credentials to careersprotradesecurities and become a Pro-Trader today ProTrade Securities, LLC 1717 Route 6, Suite 100 New York, NY 10512 Director of Training-US Equities ProTrade Securities, LLC New York, NY ProTrade Securities, LLC is an aggressively expanding equities trading firm with branch offices and locations throughout the United States. We are seeking professional and enthusiastic individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the equities markets. This is an opportunity to work with a well-capitalized firm to organically develop an equities training program that imparts knowledge and strategies onto our team of traders. You can become a trainer either in-house or remotely from your home or personal office Here is why you should become a Pro-Trainer: - Opportunity to spearhead a training program in a location comfortable for you - Dedicated operations staff for your support - Partake in the expansion of an ever-growing professional trading firm - Room for entrepreneurial growth - Potential to realize in firm profitability With a proven trading record, ProTrade seeks experienced, personable, and charismatic individuals who are adamant about imparting their knowledge on traders of all different backgrounds. If you have sufficient industry experience, and you are seeking to educate others, this opportunity is for you. Experience as a market maker is a plus. This opportunity is not limited strictly to development. Those willing can also take on a role as a mentor and help our equities trading team reach their full potential. ProTrade Securities, LLC is a CBSX-registered broker dealer, who believes that success is measured not by the level of profits, but rather by the level of consistency. E-mail your credentials to careersprotradesecurities and become a leader with ProTrade today ProTrade Securities, LLC 1717 Route 6, Suite 100 New York, NY 10512 Experienced Equity Trader (Remote) Quasar Trading, LLC. Hartford, CT Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an Experienced Equity Trader to join our proprietary trading firm. -2 years Equity Trading experience - A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies: - Strong analytical skills. - Risk Bids (Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP39s) - ETF arbitrage strategies - Macro strategies - Event Driven strategies - Fundamental strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Volatility strategies - Special situations - Proven track record is preferred. - Fundamental analysis - Extremely quantitative. - Clean U-4 - Minimum capital contribution is required. Trader will receive: - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Desk Managers and Mentors Wanted Shine39s Room New York, NY Have you trained traders Do you enjoy educating and discussing the techniques that have made you successful Looking for experienced traders of all investment classes: options, commodities, equities, Forex, and Futures. Interested in joining our team of mentors Please send resume to infoshinesroomHave an opinion on the US Dollar Trade it FXCM A Leading Forex Broker What is Forex Forex is the market where all the worlds currencies trade. Le marché des changes est le marché le plus important et le plus liquide au monde avec un volume de transactions journalier moyen supérieur à 5,3 billions de dollars. Il n'y a pas d'échange central car il traite au comptoir. Forex trading vous permet d'acheter et de vendre des devises, similaire à la négociation d'actions, sauf que vous pouvez le faire 24 heures par jour, cinq jours par semaine, vous avez accès à la négociation de marge, et vous gagnez l'exposition aux marchés internationaux. FXCM est un courtier de forex leader. Exécution juste et transparente Depuis 1999, FXCM s'est fixé pour créer la meilleure expérience en ligne de forex sur le marché. Nous avons lancé le modèle d'exécution forex No Dealing Desk, fournissant une exécution concurrentielle et transparente pour nos traders. Service à la clientèle primé Avec une formation commerciale de premier ordre et des outils puissants, nous guidons des milliers de commerçants sur le marché des changes, avec 247 services à la clientèle. Découvrez l'avantage FXCM. Étalements moyens: Les écarts moyens pondérés en fonction du temps proviennent des cours négociables de FXCM du 1er juillet 2016 au 30 septembre 2016. Les écarts sont variables et sont sujets à des retards. Les chiffres de propagation sont à titre informatif seulement. FXCM n'est pas responsable des erreurs, des omissions ou des retards ou des actions s'appuyant sur ces informations. Live Spreads Widget: Dynamic live spreads sont les meilleurs prix disponibles de FXCMs No Dealing Desk exécution. Lorsque les écarts statiques sont affichés, les chiffres sont des moyennes pondérées en fonction du temps provenant des cours négociables à FXCM entre le 1er juillet 2016 et le 30 septembre 2016. Les écarts indiqués sont disponibles sur les comptes basés sur les commissions Standard et Active Trader. Les spreads sont variables et sont sujets à des retards. Les chiffres de propagation sont à titre informatif seulement. FXCM n'est pas responsable des erreurs, des omissions ou des retards, ou des actions s'appuyant sur ces informations. Comptes Mini: Les comptes Mini offrent 21 paires de devises et par défaut à l'exécution du bureau de négociation où les stratégies d'arbitrage de prix sont interdites. FXCM détermine, à sa seule discrétion, ce qui englobe une stratégie d'arbitrage de prix. Mini accounts offer spreads plus mark-up pricing. Les spreads sont variables et sont sujets à des retards. Mini accounts utilizing prohibited strategies or with equity surpassing 20,000 CCY may be switched to No Dealing Desk execution. Voir Risques d'exécution. Service à la clientèle Lancement de logiciels Plateformes populaires À propos de FXCM Comptes Forex Plus de ressources Investissement à risque élevé Avertissement: L'échange de devises et / ou de contrats pour les différences de marge comporte un risque élevé et peut ne pas convenir à tous les investisseurs. La possibilité existe que vous pourriez soutenir une perte en excès de vos fonds déposés et donc, vous ne devriez pas spéculer avec le capital que vous ne pouvez pas se permettre de perdre. Avant de décider de négocier les produits offerts par FXCM, vous devriez considérer attentivement vos objectifs, la situation financière, les besoins et le niveau d'expérience. Vous devez être conscient de tous les risques associés à la négociation sur la marge. FXCM fournit des conseils généraux qui ne tiennent pas compte de vos objectifs, de votre situation financière ou de vos besoins. Le contenu de ce site Web ne doit pas être interprété comme un conseil personnel. FXCM vous conseille de demander conseil à un conseiller financier distinct. Veuillez cliquer ici pour lire l'avertissement de risque complet. FXCM est un marchand de la Commission des contrats à terme enregistré et un détaillant de commerce de détail avec la Commodity Futures Trading Commission et est membre de la National Futures Association. NFA 0308179 Forex Capital Markets, LLC (FXCM LLC) est une filiale opérationnelle au sein du groupe de sociétés FXCM (collectivement, le Groupe FXCM). Toutes les références sur ce site à FXCM se rapportent au groupe FXCM. Veuillez noter que les informations contenues dans ce site Web sont destinées uniquement aux détaillants et que certaines des représentations qui y figurent peuvent ne pas s'appliquer aux participants admissibles (c'est-à-dire aux clients institutionnels) au sens de l'article 1 a) de la Loi sur l'échange de marchandises. Copie de copyright 2017 Forex Capital Markets. Tous les droits sont réservés. 55 Water St. 50th Floor, New York, NY 10041 USANewest Jobs Updated February 3, 2017 All Level Equity Traders, Floor amp Remote Hold Brothers Capital, LLC New York, NY Hold Brothers Capital, LLC (Member CBOE and SIPC) is seeking equity traders to join the organization and trade equity instruments. Traders can operate from one of our trading floors or remotely from their homeoffice. One of the leading firms in the day trading industry for the last 20 years Highly competitive and aggressive commission rates FREE highly customizable trading platform Graybox that includes Analytics, Charts and high quality market data. Low latency connectivity to exchanges, ECN39s, ATS39, and dark pools Custom pricing for individual traders, group, and black box rates Offering remote and on-site trading opportunities Sponsorship for securities licenses Leverage opportunities and top payouts Catering to all kinds of traders and algorithms Registered Traders Welcome Buy sell securities using a proprietary trading system Analyze market conditions, social economic data and financial information Evaluate financial risk, make decisions and prepare reports Identify potential trading strategies and offer ideas to improve new ones Use computers to enter, access or retrieve data, use spreadsheet software Assist in development of training curriculum and initialongoing training for new and existing traders Review transactions to ensure accuracy of information and insure that trades conform to regulations of governing agencies REQUIRED EXPERIENCEQUALIFICATIONS Strong analytical ability or technical concentration including analysis of intraday stock and market patterns Ability to work well in team environment. Creative thinking and ability to apply to our operations Professional work ethic and positive attitude Hold Brothers Capital, LLC 1177 Ave of the Americas, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10036 Financial AdvisorStockbroker Forefront Capital Markets, LLC New York, NY Forefront Capital Markets Midtown NYC based wealth management brokerage firm is seeking registered (series 763) and experienced BrokersFAsRIAs. Brokers must have existing book of business and a track record that demonstrates exceptional ability to grow revenue, assets and client base. This is an opportunity to join a firm where successful candidates are rewarded by a highly lucrative compensation structure. Forefront is committed to attracting, developing, and retaining the highest caliber talent and to fully leveraging that talent to consistently achieve strong business results. Qualifications: Active series 7 and series 63 licenses. Loyal client base Self-starter with strong interpersonal and analytical skills. Demonstrates an excellent fundamental understanding of markets and investment products. Highly energetic and motivated and has the interest to work in an idea-sharing environment. Results driven. What Sets us Apart: Investment Banking Aggressive Compensation Package Advisory Platform Exceptional community of financial professionals State of the Art Technology Beautiful Work Environment Forefront Capital Markets, LLC 590 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10022 Contact Information Michael Halperin Junior Equity Trader (Entry Level) Quasar Trading, LLC New York, NY Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking a Junior Equity Trader (Entry Level) to join our proprietary trading firm. Qualified candidates must demonstrate: - Ability to quickly calculate odds. - Interest in financial markets (Equities). - Must work well under pressure and quickly adapt to changing situations. - High attention to detail. - Demonstrate assertiveness. - Ability to work independently. - Professional attitude. - Strong level of computer competency. Trader will receive: - Free Training and Mentorship program - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Quasar Trading, LLC 2 Wall Street 8th Floor New York, NY 10005 Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Proprietary Trader WTS Proprietary Trading Group, LLC New York, NY WTS is now recruiting exceptional individuals to join our equity training program. We are only interested in selected candidates who have a passion for proprietary trading with high frequency trading strategy39s and are ready to take on our vigorous training program and receive the necessary education and mentoring needed for the opportunity to profit on an intra-day basis. Our staff with more than twenty years of trading experience provides top level training. With daily classroom training, one on one mentoring, we are dedicated to providing our traders with modeled strategies and techniques. Our firm provides a systematic approach, tested on historical data which traders, trade with precision and accuracy. With devoted staff and technical support, we provide comprehensive and sophisticated proprietary software. Our traders accumulate profits with a back-tested quantitative strategy to offer the opportunity for excellent results. At the completion of the training program, traders will immediately be allocated a portion of the firms capital to begin their career as a trader. This capital allocation is reviewed on a weekly basis. Performance based increases in capital allocations are made if a trader exhibits consistent profitability and growth. Traders will be expected to analyze, model, and develop trading strategies on trading system improvements. Requirements Eligible candidates will have strong mathematical, analytical and problem-solving skills, and must be able to demonstrate intelligence, competitiveness, and focus Strong knowledge of Excel, emphasized on research, back-testing, optimization and execution, and your drive to enter a fast-paced environment Career Level Required - Entry Level Experience Required - Less than 1 Year Education Required - Bachelor39s Degree Job Type - Employee Job Status - Full Time WTS Proprietary Trading Group, LLC 11 Broadway Suite 1515 New York, NY 10004 Professional Retail Trader Lightspeed Trading, LLC New York, NY Are you a professional trader looking to trade your own capital Do you want access to professional trading tools but don39t want to work for a prop shop Lightspeed Trading is the retail broker of choice for active and professional traders. Lightspeeds unmatched technologies combined with exceptional service and educational resources give traders the edge they need to succeed. Lightspeed was ranked Best Broker for Frequent Traders 3 years in a row by Barrons. If you want to trade for a living without having to obtain any industry licenses and want the freedom of managing your own account, consider opening a retail account with Lightspeed. The Lightspeed Trader platform delivers a fully customizable, feature-rich direct market access system to the active trader. Some of the features include: Trade equities, options, futures all from a single screen Basket order entry After hours trading Advanced charting Up to 40 screens of custom layouts Streaming level 2 quotes Market scanners Advanced window linking Front end API (optional) Downloadable application All new clients are eligible for the promotion below. Additionally, very active traders may qualify for indefinite discounted pricing. Call for details. Current promotion - HALF PRICE COMMISSIONS Save 50 on your equities and options commissions for 60 days .00225 per share or 2.25 per trade for stocks 30 cents per contract for options No trading minimums No ticket charges Use promo code HALFOFF Promotion details: Account must be opened by 73112. Only margin accounts with balances of 25,000 or greater qualify. Offer available to new customers only. Promotion period starts the day the account is opened and ends after 60 calendar days. After the promotional period ends standard rates and minimums will be applied to your account. Only Nasdaq, Amex, and NYSE listed stocks are eligible. Promotion available for Lightspeed Trader only. Lightspeed Trading, LLC 1006 Avenue of the Americas 16th floor New York, NY 10016 Experienced amp Proven Individual Traders MES Capital Ltd. Bethesda, MD MES Capital Ltd. is seeking experienced individual traders with proven results to trade our capital. This is an unusual opportunity for highly qualified traders that might be very valuable. Traders who have intellectual property can maintain ownership of the IP and trade our firm capital based around your IP as long as trader could provide valid profitable trading results. We are not looking for back-tested results but actual and real trading profits. We are to open to algorithmic traders and open to all proposals from all profitable individuals. - We are open to trading all asset classes and trading systems as long as they are profitable and consistent - Consistent ROI on capital - Risk management parameters -3-5 year proven track record - Min 5 years or more of trading experience - Can trade remotely FuturesOptions Trader for Private Equity Fund Unified Capital Funds LLC New York, NY Wanted: Enthusiastic FuturesOptions Trader(s) with solid, proven track record, who is willing to help a young Private Equity fund achieve its full potential. We believe this is a very interesting opportunity for the right Trader, or network of Traders. This is a ground floor opportunity to do the trading for a new, SEC approved fund serving a significant and sizeable existing network of investors. As you help this first fund to grow, multiple series will follow. You may be asked to help organize and orchestrate the team of traders needed that will be needed to successfully serve this community. Consideration will be given to individual independent Traders, but preference will be given to networks of Traders who collectively -- can trade round the clock. What we are looking for Trader(s) who: 1. Know how to hedge. Either by: a. Using half the account to trade, keeping the other half in reserve (as needed) to take an opposite position and hopefully profit from both sides b. Hedging Futures with Options (e. g. delta neutral strategies), or c. Utilizing Stop Losses -- including Trailing Stop Losses in which case we would want to see a significant history of actual trades, so we can see how well you select direction and how quickly you exit losers. 2. Follow rules well. We would rather have a history of losing trades that follow solid, pre-determined rules than gambling trades that make money. 3. Understand the reason why the Tortoise wins the race rather than the Hare. (e. g. the tortoise makes the same steps day after day after day, and as his body grows in size the amount of ground he covers eventually overtakes that of the non-systematic Hare). We dont care where you live, or where you work. As long as you (and your team) have a solid, reliable internet connection, and can carry proper EO coverage, you could live anywhere you like: New York, Chicago, Singapore, Delhi, Frankfurt. Its all good. As you help us out, we will help you out. If you do a good job for us, well do a good job for you. The network is in place and as you do your job well we will provide you and your team of Traders with literally thousands of potential investors. Unified Capital Funds LLC Coins, Bullion and Bars trader is needed. Gold Trading Express NY, NY Responsibilities include: Developing new clients while maintaininggrowing existing business. Prospecting and pitching leads through cold calling following up on these leads via email, and telephone Building and maintaining relationships Providing superior customer service Maintaining a lead database Attending industry events Analyze precious metals market Sell and buy bullion, bars, coins and advice clients on investment products including offering advice on the purchase or sale of particular precious metal product. Qualifications required: Bachelors Degree or equivalent work experience 1 years of prior inside sales experience heavy cold-calling experience is a must Strong prospectorhunter for new leads, ability to make new accounts Excellent communication, customer service and interpersonal skills Proficiency in Microsoft Excel and Word, Outlook, Explorer and PowerPoint would be a plus Should have a knowledge about TRADING BASIC SALARY PLUS COMISSION. office is located in midtown west, manhattan Gold Trading Express 71west 47th street, suite 701 Natural Gas Futures Trader Nico Holdings LLC Chicabo, IL Nico Trading is seeking a candidate for a Natural Gas Futures Trader position. The successful candidate will have prior Natural Gas trading experience, strong communication skills, the ability to think quickly and perform well under stress, and be comfortable working with electronic trading platforms. Trade listed Natural Gas futures and swaps both electronically and with brokers Seek and exploit opportunities in the Natural Gas underlying derivatives space Actively keep a low risk position and trade within firm specified limits Develop ideas to increase the profitability of the portfolio 2 years of trading experience with a focus on Natural Gas futures Understanding of electronic trading platforms Comfortable working with brokers over the phone Strong analytic skills Ability to work successfully in a team environment We offer all employees a competitive base salary, a significant bonus potential, and great benefits. Our benefits package includes health insurance, dental insurance, 401(k), paid time off, Flexible Savings Account, Commuter Savings Account and more. We are conveniently located near public transportation in downtown Chicago. Nico Holdings LLC 222 W. Adams Street Suite 1500 Chicabo, IL 60606 Old Mission Capital is currently accepting applications for Trading Assistants. Traders work in teams to seek out and profitably trade mispriced securities. Traders are responsible for disciplined decision making, risk management, derivative pricing, and researching new opportunities for profitable businesses. Superior candidates will generally possess: - An undergraduate or advanced degree in quantitative fields like computer science, engineering, or one of the hard sciences - Knowledge of a programming language, such as C or Python - The ability to work and solve problems as part of team, often in a high-pressure environment - A strong desire for knowledge and to understand how things work - Superior written and verbal communication skills No prior experience in finance is necessary to be considered for a trading position at Old Mission. Old Mission Capital is a proprietary trading firm with offices in Chicago and New York City. In the competitive world of electronic trading, we use quantitative techniques and advanced technology to identify profitable trading opportunities around the globe. Old Mission Capital 120 Broadway Suite 2040-09 New York, NY 10007 CommoditiesEnergy Trader Mercury Partners New York, NY Mercury Partners is seeking a CommoditiesEnergy Trader. This portfolio is actively managed with significant flexibility in terms of positioning against the hedging requirements. Risk limits and controls have been set in accordance with the trading environment ERMS is acting with. Performance measures and compensation set are commensurate with standards applicable in the Energy Trading industry. This position will have a leadership role in managing the Directional exposure to petroleum and electricity markets, by developing strategies focused on fixed price positioning. Financial options are an essential tool for implementing these strategies. This positions objective is to generate proprietary trading income This position, is part of a trading team comprised of two Senior Traders focused on relative value and products markets. This team has full access to the resources developed by Cargill to serve its Energy trading businesses: market research, software, risk analysts.. Requirements: Must have 10 years of commodities trading exp Mercury Partners 60 East 42nd Street Suite 760 New York, NY 10165 Marquette Partners LP is always looking to aggressively recruit established traders for their Chicago trading team. Traders who are confident in their trading abilities and competent across any or all asset classes will be considered. This is an extremely lucrative opportunity to benefit more directly from ones own successful track record. Suitable candidates will likely come from investment bank prop desks or hedge funds. - Proven track record of profitable trading (minimum mid-six figures annually). - Self starter with strong interpersonal and analytical skills welcomes a challenge. - Demonstrates an excellent fundamental understanding of markets and spreads. - Ability to identify trading opportunities and develop proprietary trading strategies based on own analysis. - Work within given risk management guidelines. - Prepared to present to management a trading proposal of given approach. - Highly energetic and motivated and has the interest to work in an idea-sharing environment. - Results driven. Marquette Partners offers an excellent comprehensive benefits package, including the following: - Medical and prescription drug insurance - Dental insurance - Vision insurance - Group life and AD and D coverage - Short-term disability and maternity coverage - 401k retirement plan - Competitive salary with discretionary bonus - Complimentary breakfast and snacks - Lunch delivery program Marquette Partners is a global proprietary trading firm, with direct market access to the worlds leading derivatives exchanges. Marquette Partners LP 801 West Adams Suite 500 Chicago, IL 60607 Professional Trader Keystone Trading Group New York, NY Keystone Trading Group is seeking professional traders. Experienced traders with a documented and profitable stock trading track record will benefit from partnering with Keystone Trading Group by receiving some of the same benefits as an institution. Our goal is to assist you in taking your trading to the next level by providing you with the necessary capital, proper risk management and by passing along our low transaction costs. Keystone Trading Group 450 7th Avenue Suite 2509 New York, NY 10123 Trade Operations Specialist Jump Trading Chicago, IL Jump Trading is seeking a trade operation specialist. The individual in this role will join a trading team based in Chicago and will proactively monitor and verify all trading activity throughout the day. Duties and responsibilities include - Continuously reconcile and manage trading positions - Communicate with exchange trade support in case of emergencies - Interact with IT support personnel to confirm system issues if any - Start up computers and log into various proprietary systems - Update parameters for current days trading using in-house applications - Writing scripts or modifying existing ones if there is a business need - Manage compliance issues and ad hoc reporting for the team - Update various databases, e. g. financial events calendar, product specifications, etc. - Other duties as assigned by manager - 2-3 years of EQUITY TRADING experience required - Ability to follow specific instructions and general guidelines in the context of product operations support - Strong understanding of Linux fundamentals - Windows knowledge highly desired - Experience with Perl or Python a strong plus - Experience with Bloomberg and Corporate Actions required - Understanding of how corporate actions impact markets - Familiarity with SQL - Shell scripting (ksh or bash) - Proficient with Excel, comfortable working with spreadsheets on a daily basis. - Detail-oriented, organised, and excellent documentation skills - Ability to multitask and prioritize multiple projects in a busy, demanding environment - Excellent communication skills, both written and oral - required to operate within a global team Financial trading industry experience a plus Jump Trading is a globally-positioned, proprietary trading firm that remains on the cutting edge of algorithmic trading. Jump Trading 600 W Chicago Ave. Suite 825 Chicago, IL 60654 Experienced Trader Kershner Trading Group, LLC Austin, TX Kershner Trading Group is seeking experienced traders. We are seeking motivated individuals with the following qualifications:: Verifiable record of trading success Willingness to automate strategies proven track record of having done so a big plus. Willingness to work with others to improve profitability Demonstrated skill of discipline in a competitive environment Proven resiliency and self confidence Kershner Trading Group is a proprietary trading business for professional traders. Kershner Trading Group, LLC 1825B Kramer Lane, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78758 Trader Jane Street Capital, LLC New York, NY Jane Street is a quantitative proprietary trading firm that operates around the clock and around the globe. Traders work in teams to seek out and take advantage of pricing inefficiencies, develop models, manage risk, investigate new products, and push into new business areas. Experienced traders mentor newer colleagues, whose responsibilities increase with their capability. Jane Street Capital, LLC 1 New York Plaza 33rd Floor New York, NY 10004 Electronic Trader International Trading Group LLC Glenview, IL International Trading Group LLC is seeking for experienced electronic traders. International Trading Group has opportunities for experienced electronic traders with a proven track record. If you are a successful electronic trader looking for a unique opportunity. International Trading Group LLC 2700 Patriot Blvd Suite 350 Glenview, IL 60026 The IMC Group The position of Junior Trader is one that requires superior analytical and numerical skills. As a member of IMC Chicago, your primary responsibilities will be: - Pricing and trading options and other financial products - Entering into and managing positions for which you are responsible - Developing, maintaining, and enhancing trading models - Researching new market opportunities and analyzing current market trends Consider an environment where your decisions have direct impact on the companys total trading profits, and where discipline, motivation, creativity, teamwork and perseverance are recognized, appreciated and rewarded. Knowledge and skill requirements - BAMS in all majors with an analyticalquantitative related field of study - Minimum GPA of 3.5 - Interest in the financial markets is a must - Superb analytical and mathematical skills - Quick and decisive thinking - Internship or experience in a similar industry preferred - Ability to act and perform successfully in a fast-moving and high-pressured environment - Willingness to be a team playerleader before, during and after trading hours - Eagerness to learn about derivatives trading and be willing to continuously learn - Experience with programming in languages such as Java and C IMC Chicago offers competitive salary and benefits packages, and a unique, challenging, and rewarding work environment, including opportunities to work abroad. Your employment will start with a global training session of 4 weeks with IMC new hires from around the world. IMC Group 233 South Wacker Drive 4300 Chicago, IL 60606 Experienced Individual Traders HTG Capital Partners, LLC Chicago, IL HTG Capital Partners is always looking for experienced individual traders with proven results. The profile of an individual trader is someone seeking independence and improved contract terms but still in need of capital allocation, services and support. We provide customized agreements that may include our capital, exchange memberships, connectivity, accounting, HR, IT, back office services, and risk management. Individuals who have intellectual property can maintain ownership of the IP. We are especially interested in algorithmic and OTC trading professionals, but are open to proposals from all profitable individuals. HTG Capital Partners, LLC 601 S LaSalle St 200 Chicago, IL 60605 In-House Trader Guardian Trading, LLC Garden Grove, CA Guardian Trading, LLC Guardian Trading offers everything any equity trader needs: - Lowest commissions in the industry - High Payout - 10x buying power to start - Low minimum risk deposit of 3000 - No licenses required - Use our office facilities with no desk fee if you prefer to trade in an office environment. - Share ideas and strategies with other traders in the office to improve profitability. - Utilize Guardian Trading management as a resource for software related questions as well as trading ideas. - Or just trade on your own in a pleasant office environment. Guardian Trading is a private equity trading group based in California. Guardian Trading, LLC Garden Grove, CA Getco is searching for traders. Traders at GETCO enable other traders around the world to transact with confidence, certainty and speed. Traders are a competitive, driven bunch from a variety of backgrounds, but they all have one thing in common: a relentless passion for making financial markets work better for everyone. If this sounds like you, then consider a career with us. Our traders work in a fast-paced environment where market feedback is near-instantaneous. They work on interdisciplinary teams alongside other traders, quants and seasoned software engineers, all working to make the markets run more efficiently. Getco is a global market maker focused on helping investors efficiently transfer risk. Our primary business involves both buying and selling securities to provide two-sided markets on exchanges around the world and as a Designated Market Maker (DMM) on the New York Stock Exchange. We also provide customers with routing services and dedicated liquidity through an Alternative Trading System, Getco Execution Services (GES). GETCO LLC 55 Broad Street 27th Floor New York, NY 10004 Automated Systems Trader Geneva Trading Dublin, Ireland About the Company Geneva Trading is a Principal Trading Firm with offices in downtown Chicago and Dublin, Ireland. Company Culture At Geneva, we are committed to the ongoing development of our traders and employees. Our flat organizational structure and casual environment encourage the exchange of new ideas. Finding bright individuals with the drive to innovate and grow has ultimately led to our continued success within the trading industry. Brief Summary of Position We are currently seeking experienced CREATIVE traders to join our team. If you have a record of profitability, innovation, discipline and a strong motivation to succeed - we invite you to apply for this position. Developed in-house, Geneva Tradings proprietary platform offers exceptionally fast global connectivity and bespoke trading logic to support our traders objectives to continually develop their strategic trading edge and consistently outperform. We offer a competitive compensation package. Alongside their team members, the successful candidate will benefit from working with an experienced support staff, platform developers technologists and senior management team. We pride ourselves on forming mutually beneficial partnerships with our traders and maintaining long term commitment to their personal development. Duties Develop expertise in the firms proprietary trading software Compile reports statistics on the various trading strategies Research exchanges for new potential trading opportunities Develop tools to assist enhance currentnew strategies Manage enhance current strategies Work in a team based environment to develop new profitable Trading Strategies Liaise with Management, Risk, Development Legal to bring new Strategies into Production Job Requirements Knowledge of a variety of Financial Instruments Asset Classes beneficial Extensive experience use of analytical tools Experience of Arbitrage beneficial Prior Financial Systems Trading experience is a prerequisite Exchange product knowledge, trading methodology and market insight Demonstrate a consistent trading profitability record Impeccable risk management discipline Candidate should have a strong quantitative ability EducationalExperience Requirements Bachelors degree in Finance, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics or related field Minimum of 4 years recent trading experience Programming experience beneficial Geneva Trading 980 North Michigan Avenue Suite 1710 Dublin, Ireland 60611 Experienced Trader Gelber Group, LLC Chicago, IL Gelber Group is actively looking for experienced traders who have a proven track record of success. - A strategy that is currently and consistently profitable we are open to all markets and asset classes. - Excellent return on capital. - A proven, current, three-year track record (not just back-tested). - Experience at a top proprietary trading firm, hedge fund, or bank a plus. Gelber Group, LLC 141 W. Jackson Blvd. Suite 2100A Chicago, IL 60604 Institutional Trader G-2 Trading LLC New York, NY G-2 Trading LLC is committed to growth by providing the tools required by exceptional Wall Street analysts, brokers and institutional traders who want to control their own destiny. We provide turn-key technology solutions, some of the most experienced back office staff on the Street, and over 50 years of combined management experience. G-2 Trading and its predecessor firms have navigated successfully through nearly 20 years of bull and bear markets, and momentous financial changes. G-2 is a registered Broker dealer and a member of NASDAQ OMX PHLX. G-2 is a proprietary trading firm, and its traders must be series 7 licensed. New York, NY 10017 Senior Equity Trader FRONTLINE CAPITAL INC. New York, NY Frontline Capital is seeking equity traders with proven track records. The ideal candidate will have more than three years of equity trading experience and have completed all relevant industry courses. This candidate will utilize quantitative and statistical skills and strategies to consistently generate profits. Frontline is committed to utilizing all resources in order to fully integrate talented traders. This individual is encouraged to back-test new strategies and design new programs with developers. Bachelors degree or equivalent with a fundamental understanding of equity markets. 3 years experience in a proprietary equity trading position with exceptional knowledge of equity products. Strong self-motivated entrepreneurial skills and the ability to work independently or in a team atmosphere. Excel at multitasking in a fast-paced, high-stress environment. Frontline Capital is a proprietary trading firm specializing in equities, futures products, and currencies across all North American and European exchanges. FRONTLINE CAPITAL INC. Proprietary Trader First New York Securities LLC New York, NY First New York Securities, LLC is one of the largest and most successful proprietary trading firms in the country. Founded in 1986, and backed by a state of the art, 50,000 square foot trading floor in the heart of Manhattan, First New York provides its traders with cutting edge technology and resources to enable them to succeed. First New York is well capitalized and is one of the few remaining classic partnerships on Wall Street. The firms compensation structure is designed to recognize and reward superior individual performance. With more than 225 senior traders covering a variety of asset classes including equities, fixed income, commodities and derivatives, First New York is an excellent fit for the most talented traders in the industry. - Interested candidates should submit a brief description of their trading strategy First New York Securities LLC 90 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 DRW Holdings, LLC is headquartered in Chicago and has offices in New York and London. We currently employ over 450 people worldwide from many different disciplines and backgrounds. We are currently seeking an experienced Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) trader to join our Chicago headquarters office. Trade TIPS products utilizing both automated and manual execution strategies Manage and optimize the risk of TIPS portfolio Identify and capture current opportunities research and introduce new trading strategies Research, identify, and execute trading strategies which fit within the risk parameters of the TIPS book Review all transactions to ensure trades conform to pertinent laws and regulations Recognize market participant patterns Create models based on analysis and modify based on market dynamics take risks accordingly Assist in the growth and development of junior traders 3 years of experience successfully managing an inflation-linked book Must have in-depth understanding of inflation products Experience developing and designing derivatives pricing and hedging tools using VBA and Excel Must have strong risk management skills Bachelors degree Must be proficient in Excel and Bloomberg Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Strong quantitative skills Strong problem-solving skills essential Proven ability to investigate issues within own area of work and produce results DRW Holdings, LLC 540 W. Madison Street Suite 2500 Chicago, IL 60661 Algorithmic Trader Allston Trading, LLC Chicago, IL Allston Trading, LLC, A key role bridging the gap between trading strategy and the firms technological initiatives, the algorithmic trader is a necessary catalyst for exploiting new market opportunities. - Responsibilities range from researching new strategies - maintaining and improving existing strategies - following through on design - implementation, and deployment of trade systems. - The best candidates are those that take initiative - have strong problem solving skills - employ great attention to detail. - Proficiency in at least one of the following languages: Java, C, R, Matlab, Ruby, Python - Solid grasp of mathematical modeling and statistical methods - Self-starter with an entrepreneurial spirit Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Allston Trading, LLC is a premier high frequency market maker in over 40 financial exchanges, in 20 countries, and in nearly every conceivable product class. We sit at the intersection of financial strategy and high-technology this requires us to hire the best and brightest and give them the tools and freedom they need to be successful. Allston Trading, LLC 440 South LaSalle One Financial Place Suite 1211 Chicago, IL 60605 Experienced Equity Options Trader Cutler Group, LP. San Francisco, CA Cutler Group, LP, is looking to add experienced option market makers to its partnership. Trader will receive: - Cutler provides platforms for individuals to act as market makers on listed US Equity options exchanges. - Using sophisticated technology, our traders have direct access to options markets and serve as market makers in over 3,000 listed issues. - Cutler market makers represent a wide range of experience from multiple firms across the street (Wall, LaSalle, Market and Montgomery). - As capital partners, your interests and ours are fully aligned. We succeed when you succeed. - We offer a superior package of rates for trading, clearing, haircut, technology and revenue split. Initial capital contribution requirements will be determined based on previous track record and depth of trading experience. All traders and trading groups become members of the Cutler Group LP Broker Dealer and, as such, are subject to the risks of joining the LP and maintaining a subaccount in a nonsegregated pooled environment. Cutler Group is a proprietary trading firm headquartered in San Francisco with offices in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. Our primary focus is equity option market making. We are members of a number of major US option exchanges, including NYSEArca, CBOE, NASDAQ OMXPHLX, NYSEAmex Options and BATS. The Firm currently has over sixty traders. Cutler Group, LP. 101 Montgomery Street Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94104 Experienced Proprietary Trader Cutler Group, LP. San Francisco, CA Cutler Group, LP, is looking to add experienced equity and equity option proprietary traders to its partnership. Trader will receive: - Cutler provides a comprehensive platform for our professional trader partners to engage the market on listed US Equity and US Equity Options exchanges. - We offer a proprietary risk management and execution solution on our dedicated national network. - Cutler proprietary traders represent a wide range of experience from multiple firms across the street (Wall, LaSalle, Market and Montgomery). - As capital partners, your interests and ours are fully aligned. - We succeed when you succeed. We offer a superior package of rates for trading, clearing, haircut, technology and revenue split. Initial capital contribution requirements will be determined based on previous track record and depth of trading experience. All traders and trading groups become members of the Cutler Group LP Broker Dealer and, as such, are subject to the risks of joining the LP and maintaining a subaccount in a nonsegregated pooled environment. Cutler Group is a proprietary trading firm headquartered in San Francisco with offices in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. Our primary focus is equity option market making. We are members of a number of major US option exchanges, including NYSEArca, CBOE, NASDAQ OMXPHLX, NYSEAmex Options and BATS. The Firm currently has over sixty traders. Cutler Group, LP. 101 Montgomery Street Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94104 Junior Proprietary Trader D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. New York, NY D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. offers opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds who display evidence of outstanding ability and have a track record of exceptional accomplishment. - Strong quantitative and analytical abilities - extraordinary communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills and an exceptional sensitivity to detail are essential. - The ideal candidate will have up to two years general experience with an outstanding academic record (e. g. excellent standardized test scores and GPA from a top-tier school), and a high level of computer literacy. - Direct prior experience is not required, but demonstrated interest in and exposure to financial markets is a decided advantage. The D. E. Shaw group is a global investment and technology development firm with more than 1,100 employees approximately 21 billion in investment capital as of October 1, 2011 and offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Since its founding in 1988, the firm has earned an international reputation for financial innovation, technological leadership, and an extraordinarily distinguished staff. D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. 1166 Avenue of the Americas Ninth Floor New York, NY 10036 Senior Commodities Trader D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. New York, NY D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. The D. E. Shaw group seeks a senior proprietary commodities trader to join the Discretionary Macro group in its New York office. This dynamic group seeks to take advantage of mispricings within and across a range of asset classes globally. The trader will be involved in the development, analysis, and execution of discretionary trading strategies across all commodities sectors, with a primary focus in agricultural products. - The ideal candidate will have 5 years of experience in commodities markets, preferably in a trading function. - Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills are required and strong analytical abilities as well as an exceptional sensitivity to detail are necessary. This role affords the opportunity to contribute as part of an established team, and to be directly exposed to investment decisions by collaborating with seasoned, senior members of the firm. The D. E. Shaw group is a global investment and technology development firm with more than 1,100 employees approximately 21 billion in investment capital as of October 1, 2011 and offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Since its founding in 1988, the firm has earned an international reputation for financial innovation, technological leadership, and an extraordinarily distinguished staff. D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. 1166 Avenue of the Americas Ninth Floor New York, NY 10036 Trader Recruiter Next Gen Autotrader Jersey City, NJ Looking for Top Mathematical Statistical Financial Talent Calling upon top traders, mathematicians, statisticians and engineering prospects - undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to apply. (NY or remote, anywhere) Do you consider yourself top financial talent. Have you always wanted to take your math skills to the next level and translate them into successful market strategies. We are currently recruiting top global talent and will help turn your concepts and algorithms into automated trading strategies. We are in the process of recruiting individuals with a mathematical and statistical background to work with our team who will automate, program and fund strategies (if successful and approved). We may fund successful candidates who demonstrate a good understanding of mathematics, analytics, statistics and can develop successful strategies along-side our team. Compensation based on performance. Next Gen Autotrader Contact Information 646-597-6095 Trader Recruiter Next Gen Autotrader New York, NY Looking for Top Mathematical Statistical Financial Talent Calling upon top traders, mathematicians, statisticians and engineering prospects - undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to apply. (NY or remote, anywhere) Do you consider yourself top financial talent. Have you always wanted to take your math skills to the next level and translate them into successful market strategies. We are currently recruiting top global talent and will help turn your concepts and algorithms into automated trading strategies. We are in the process of recruiting individuals with a mathematical and statistical background to work with our team who will automate, program and fund strategies (if successful and approved). We may fund successful candidates who demonstrate a good understanding of mathematics, analytics, statistics and can develop successful strategies along-side our team. Compensation based on performance. Next Gen Autotrader Contact Information 646-597-6095 Futures and Stock Traders Wanted - Fund Management Stonehenge EMG, LLC Delray Beach, FL Professional trading firm located in Delray Beach, FL provides a hands on approach for prospective and successful traders seeking a direct career path in becoming a Hedge Fund Manager or Commodity Trading Advisor. Trade stocks, futures andor forex from our newly built trading floor or remotely. Enjoy state of the art technology, top-notch execution platforms and professional execution rates. Combined, our team has over 60 years of trading industry experience. We are not a prop-shop. We are the avenue and fast track to a true career as a fundmoney manager. Our firm will closely assist accepted traders through the entire process with the ultimate goal of becoming a fund manager. This includes, building an marketable auditable track record, raising trading capital for successful traders and more. Trading guidance by our experienced team Proprietary trading software Trading computers with multiple screens Low latency connections Robust execution platforms and charting Professional commission rates Professional level leverage Auditable trading track records A professional trading room atmosphere For The SuccessfulProven Traders Managers, We Offer: Fund formation Regulatory registration Seed capital availability Capital introduction Marketing Fund administration, compliance and more Private office suites A minimum 25,000 trading account is required ( 10,000 if trading FX) in order to begin building your auditable track record. This account is in your name and we do not share in the profits or losses. Intermediate to Experienced traders only. Limited space is available. Please e-mail your resume and a brief description of your trading background. We will contact you to arrange a meeting. Delray Beach, FL EquityAlgorithmic Trader Wanted TUI Trading South East Remote, FL YOUR OPPORTUNITY TUI Trading is actively recruiting traders to trade with our firm and join our U. S. Equities trade desk, both remote and on site. Our members enjoy many benefits that facilitate successful trading careers. Members of our firm have access to our exclusive algorithmic trading system . In addition, we provide access to firm capital, professional direct-access routing capabilities, guidance from our head traders, ultra fast software platforms and connectivity, competitive rates, and a same day approval process for applicants. Industry leading payouts and institutional rates are given. Networks and groups of traders, please contact us to find out about our affiliate program. REQUIREMENTS - Experience as a trader or familiarity with the US equities market - Registration and series 56 required for US traders - Adherence to firm supervisory procedures and exchange rules - Maintenance of proper risk management - Coordination of trading strategies with research desk - Strong technology skills with the ability to quickly learn various software applications COMPENSATION This is a performance-based position. Our top traders earn over 100K per year. CONTACT US Website: tuitrading Email: infotuitrading Tel: 561-444-8111 South East Remote, FL ProprietaryAlgorithmic Trader Coastal Trade Securities, LLC. New York, NY Coastal Trade Securities, LLC, is seeking equity traders to join their proprietary trading firm. Offering a variety of direct-access trading platforms and advanced analytical tools, we can provide a trader with the necessary resources to compete in today39s challenging market environment. - Minimum 5 year trading experience. - Proven track record is preferred. - Strong analytical skills. - Fundamental analysis - Retain strong discipline Trader will receive: - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Coastal Trade Securities, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Coastal Trade Securities, LLC. 45 Brodway 20 Floor New York, NY 10005 Contact Information Andrew Coley Experienced Equity Trader (Remote) Quasar Trading, LLC. New York, NY Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an Experienced Equity Trader to join our proprietary trading firm. -2 years Equity Trading experience - A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies: - Strong analytical skills. - Risk Bids (Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP39s) - ETF arbitrage strategies - Macro strategies - Event Driven strategies - Fundamental strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Volatility strategies - Special situations - Proven track record is preferred. - Fundamental analysis - Extremely quantitative. - Clean U-4 - Minimum capital contribution is required. Trader will receive: - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Quasar Trading, LLC. 2 Wall Street 8th Floor New York, NY Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Experienced Equity Trader (Remote) Quasar Trading, LLC. Los Angeles, CA Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an Experienced Equity Trader to join our proprietary trading firm. -2 years Equity Trading experience - A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies: - Strong analytical skills. - Risk Bids (Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP39s) - ETF arbitrage strategies - Macro strategies - Event Driven strategies - Fundamental strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Volatility strategies - Special situations - Proven track record is preferred. - Fundamental analysis - Extremely quantitative. - Clean U-4 - Minimum capital contribution is required. Trader will receive: - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Junior Equity Trader Entry Level (Remote) Quasar Trading, LLC. Los Angeles, CA Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an experienced Junior Equity Trader (Entry Level) to join our proprietary trading firm. Qualified candidates must demonstrate: - Ability to quickly calculate odds. - Interest in financial markets (Equities). - Must work well under pressure and quickly adapt to changing situations. - High attention to detail. - Demonstrate assertiveness. - Ability to work independently. - Professional attitude. - Strong level of computer competency. Trader will receive: - Training and Mentorship program. - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Proprietary Equities Trader Avatar Securities Chicago, IL Avatar Securities, LLC is recruiting experienced cash equity traders with proven track records in equities to join our proprietary trading desk in Chicago. Members benefit from a technologically advanced trading environment with payout and cost structures that surpass other firms. Traders use DMA platforms to access advanced order types (Algorithm, VWAP, TWAP, etc) and dark pool liquidity providers. Avatar welcomes experienced equities traders of all backgrounds and trading strategies (Automated, Basket, Momentum, Pairs, Rebate, StatArb, Technical, etc). Avatar seeks deeply experienced traders at this time and may require a capital contribution that will be based upon the trader39s needs, experience, and skill level. Traders benefit from our impressive 10,000 square foot trading space located in the heart of Chicago39s financial district and will be surrounded by some of the best equities traders in the area. Compensation is based on performance and Avatar provides the leverage and tools needed for our traders to succeed. If you are interested, please visit our website and fill out a contact request. Quantitative Trader - Senior Equity Trader Quasar Trading LLC new york, NY Quasar Trading, LLC . a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an experienced Senior Equity Trader (Quantitative Trading) to join our proprietary trading firm. This excellent career opportunity will provide the selected candidate with the ability to contribute to a growing equity prop trading desk and leverage their knowledge to implement new strategies in growing the business. Work alongside our algorithmic traders and developers to seamlessly implement your strategies. Quasar can offer you an environment geared towards performance, co-located infrastructure in several market data centers for ultra low latency execution, backtesting tools, technical support, and access to firm capital. Quasars in house developers are experienced in handling financial applications, optimizing execution and market connectivity. They are experts in the field of code optimization, and can create prime code that works faster, utilizes fewer resources and is easier to read and revise in the future. The final code has such flexibility, that most future revisions can be done directly by the clients front end user without developer involvement. Due to our expertise and experience, turnaround times on projects are extremely short, and debugging to final application includes very few iterations, thus saving development time and money. -3 years Equity Prop Trading experience - A minimum of a Bachelor39s degree in Business, Finance, Management, Computer Science, Math or related field of study - A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies: - Risk Bids (Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP39s) - ETF arbitrage strategies - Event Driven strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Proven track record For more information contact tradingquasar-trading, Please put Senior equity trader-Quantitative Trading on the subject line. Quasar Trading LLC 2 Wall Street 8th floor new york, NY 10005 Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Experienced Equity Traders Wanted (Remote) Globus Trading Concord, Canada Globus Trading . a trading firm which has been in business for 10 years is looking for experienced traders. If you are an experienced trader that knows what heshe wants, contact us today. We are pleased to introduce a brand new fee structure. - 100 payout - No Commission - No software fees (Sterling PRO Laser platforms are available) - No dataentitlement fees (Futures and Index data available at extra cost) - Full ECN pass-through including rebates and fees for adding and removing liquidity - Flat monthly fee (Starting at 250month) - Trade our firm39s capital Contact us for more details. Globus Trading 553 Basaltic Road EquityForex Trader Spartan Capital Partners Hicksville, NY Growing trading firm looking to hire and train new traders. The stock market is a great place to make a lot of money. If you have an interest in trading stock or currency give us a call. NO experience needed. We will train you and teach you how to be a successful trader and show you how to make money using various methods and skills. NO COLD CALLING NO OPENING ACCOUNTS you will not need to be licensed since you will be trading private money. you will be trained as a trader and start trading your very first day. We offer many analysts with different methods and skills that will help you make money. some have over 15 years of experience. they offer Picks with entry and exit points will teach you how to read graphs properly and make judgments for yourself also will give you feed back and game plan for any stocks you may want to trade. our office is very friendly and laid back no one is in their own. each traders helps the other we work as a team. if interested please email contact info to Lowest rates available - ( if you are currently trading and want a lower commission WE WILL BEAT IT) NOTE - We have an auto trading system. The algorithm unit signals traders where to buy and where to sell. gray box trading open to ALL traders Spartan Capital Partners 240 W. Old Country Rd Hicksville, NY 11801 Traders Wanted T3 Trading Group, LLC Dallas, TX T3 Trading Group, LLC, a registered broker-dealer and member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is currently hiring traders. T3 Trading Group LLC is looking for motivated and dedicated individuals with experience in equityoptions trading. We offer the opportunity to trade in a professional environment using advanced DMA platforms with competitive commission rates. Our branch office offers: State of the art execution and charting platforms Proprietary real-time news feeds Live SP squawk box Proprietary, customizable stock filters and screeners Experienced management and administrative support staff on site Access to T3live virtual trading floor Experienced traders available for mentorship Dedicated, capable data lines with system redundancies Comprehensive risk management tools Seeking 2 years experience in trading. If youre an experienced trader and want to operate from a home-office environment, we also offer remote trading through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. To learn more please send your resume to Don. McClivet3trading T3 Trading Group, LLC Traders Wanted T3 Trading Group, LLC Chicago, IL T3 Trading Group, LLC, a registered broker-dealer and member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is currently hiring traders. T3 Trading Group LLC is looking for motivated and dedicated individuals with experience in equityoptions trading. We offer the opportunity to trade in a professional environment using advanced DMA platforms with competitive commission rates. Our branch office offers: State of the art execution and charting platforms Proprietary real-time news feeds Live SP squawk box Proprietary, customizable stock filters and screeners Experienced management and administrative support staff on site Access to T3live virtual trading floor Experienced traders available for mentorship Dedicated, capable data lines with system redundancies Comprehensive risk management tools Seeking 2 years experience in trading. If youre an experienced trader and want to operate from a home-office environment, we also offer remote trading through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. To learn more please send your resume to Don. McClivet3trading T3 Trading Group, LLC Contact Information Don McClive EquityOption Trader T3 Trading Group, LLC Los Angeles, CA T3 Trading Group, LLC, a registered broker-dealer and member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is currently hiring traders for the Los Angeles office. T3 Trading Group LLC is looking for motivated and dedicated individuals with experience in equityoptions trading. We offer the opportunity to trade in a professional environment using advanced DMA platforms with competitive commission rates. Los Angeles branch office offers: - State of the art execution and charting platforms - Proprietary real-time news feeds - Live SP squawk box - Proprietary, customizable stock filters and screeners - Experienced management and administrative support staff on site - Access to T3live virtual trading floor - Experienced traders available for mentorship - Dedicated, capable data lines with system redundancies - Comprehensive risk management tools Seeking 2 years experience in trading. If you39re an experienced trader and want to operate from a home-office environment, we also offer remote trading through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. To learn more please send your resume to Don. McClivet3trading T3 Trading Group, LLC 10801 National Boulevard Suite 404 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Equity Traders Trader Groups Proprietary Trading Firms Trader Recruiting Los Angeles, CA Our client is a rapidly expanding, SEC-registered BrokerDealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange. They have onsite trading desks in NYC and Chicago with remote trading opportunities nationwide. Looking for experienced equity traders, trading groups, and other proprietary (prop) trading firms needing to partner with a BD. Qualifications: - Minimum 1 years of equity trading experience - Securities Licenses are NOT required - Minimum capital contribution is required Benefits: - Well capitalized firm capital to trade - Buying power up to 40:1 (based on experience and risk management) - Ultra-fast connectivity 30 routes ECN rebates - Unlimited trades no minimum trading volume - Institutional rates (per share or per trade) - Large list of shorts penny stocks - Pre post market trades - Overnights allowed Send CV: TraderRecruitinggmail Contact Information TraderRecruitinggmail Proprietary Day Trader ProTrade Securities, LLC New York, NY ProTrade Securities, LLC is an aggressively expanding equities trading firm with branch offices and locations throughout the United States, seeking professional and enthusiastic traders. We cater to the options of trading either in house or remotely from your home or personal office Here is why experienced equity traders become Pro-Traders: - Flexible, professional and competitive rates - Dedicated operations staff - Cutting-edge trading platforms - The ability to trade with firm capital - Connectivity to NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX - Sophisticated routing capabilities - Access to multiple floor brokers - Entrepreneurial opportunities to become a branch manager With a proven trading record, ProTrade will give you the extremely competitive and rates that you deserve, as well as room for improvement upon profitability and volume. Our highly reputable, well-organized operations department is comprised of eager individuals, dedicated to supporting traders and providing a comfortable trading environment in order to appease profitability. ProTrade Securities, LLC is a CBSX registered broker dealer, that believes that success is not measured by the level of profits, but rather by the level of consistency. Learn more about trader opportunities by visiting: protradesecuritiestraderfaq. html E-mail your credentials to careersprotradesecurities and become a Pro-Trader today ProTrade Securities, LLC 1717 Route 6, Suite 100 New York, NY 10512 Director of Training-US Equities ProTrade Securities, LLC New York, NY ProTrade Securities, LLC is an aggressively expanding equities trading firm with branch offices and locations throughout the United States. We are seeking professional and enthusiastic individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the equities markets. This is an opportunity to work with a well-capitalized firm to organically develop an equities training program that imparts knowledge and strategies onto our team of traders. You can become a trainer either in-house or remotely from your home or personal office Here is why you should become a Pro-Trainer: - Opportunity to spearhead a training program in a location comfortable for you - Dedicated operations staff for your support - Partake in the expansion of an ever-growing professional trading firm - Room for entrepreneurial growth - Potential to realize in firm profitability With a proven trading record, ProTrade seeks experienced, personable, and charismatic individuals who are adamant about imparting their knowledge on traders of all different backgrounds. If you have sufficient industry experience, and you are seeking to educate others, this opportunity is for you. Experience as a market maker is a plus. This opportunity is not limited strictly to development. Those willing can also take on a role as a mentor and help our equities trading team reach their full potential. ProTrade Securities, LLC is a CBSX-registered broker dealer, who believes that success is measured not by the level of profits, but rather by the level of consistency. E-mail your credentials to careersprotradesecurities and become a leader with ProTrade today ProTrade Securities, LLC 1717 Route 6, Suite 100 New York, NY 10512 Experienced Equity Trader (Remote) Quasar Trading, LLC. Hartford, CT Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an Experienced Equity Trader to join our proprietary trading firm. -2 years Equity Trading experience - A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies: - Strong analytical skills. - Risk Bids (Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP39s) - ETF arbitrage strategies - Macro strategies - Event Driven strategies - Fundamental strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Volatility strategies - Special situations - Proven track record is preferred. - Fundamental analysis - Extremely quantitative. - Clean U-4 - Minimum capital contribution is required. Trader will receive: - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Desk Managers and Mentors Wanted Shine39s Room New York, NY Have you trained traders Do you enjoy educating and discussing the techniques that have made you successful Looking for experienced traders of all investment classes: options, commodities, equities, Forex, and Futures. Interested in joining our team of mentors Please send resume to infoshinesroomTrader: job description Traders generally fall into one of the following categories: flow traders buy and sell financial products on behalf of their banks clients propriety traders trade on behalf of the bank itself sales traders take instructions from the client and act as intermediaries between the client and the people who execute the trades (flow and propriety traders). Responsibilities differ slightly between the three types of trader. Flow and propriety traders tasks include: collating relevant information and data liaising closely with sales staff and inter-dealer brokers determining market sentiment via research, valuation and data analysis monitoring UK and international market performance making prices in specific products providing key parties with daily trading information informing sales staff about market movementsprices executing trades gaining information from sales staff about client issues. Sales traders focus more heavily on client relationships, so they also secure deals with new clients, present ideas to clients and develop these relationships. Trading offers high levels of responsibility, good promotional opportunities and impressive financial rewards including generous salaries and large bonuses. Sales staff are commonly known as traders, although there are differences between the two roles, notably that sales staff travel more and spend more time concentrating on client relationships. Financial houses Investment banks Exchanges such as ICE Futures Europe Treasury departments of major companies Vacancies are advertised by TARGETjobs Finance . careers services, financial recruitment agencies, in The Evening Standard . The Financial Times and specialist publications such as The Economist as well as their online equivalents. Investment banks start recruitment very early in the academic year. Sector and company research, attending presentations, and networking are essential. Youll need to be a graduate to enter this career. A good degree (2.1) in any subject is required, though qualifications in economics, politics, business, financial or numerate subjects can be useful. Relevant experience gained via job shadowing, placements or vacation work (internships) is beneficial. Confidence Numerical skills IT skills Communication skills An interest in financial markets Analytical skills Interpersonal skills Teamworking skills. Next: search graduate jobs

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